Tecmo recently stopped by the GameSpot offices and let us check out a build of Fatal Frame for the Xbox. Originally released for the PlayStation 2 earlier this year, the game puts you in the role of a young girl searching for her brother in a creepy, ghost-filled mansion. While the game's premise doesn't sound too different from most of the horror games that have been released on consoles, its execution certainly is different. Whereas most horror games arm you with traditional weapons of some kind to deal with the supernatural menaces you'll face, Fatal Frame arms you with a camera and a few rolls of film. As you encounter ghosts, you'll switch to a first-person mode, which simulates your line of sight through the camera's viewfinder. When you've centered the apparition in your sights, you'll snap a picture, which does damage to the supernatural being. Once you've caused enough damage, the ghost will be sent on its way to the afterlife for good. Fatal Frame for the PS2 is a unique and engaging game with disturbing graphics, eerie sound, and solid gameplay, and the Xbox game looks to follow through on that potential.