Thanks Blues: After a sprinkling of false rumors yesterday, a post to the
Inc. Forums by Epic's Mark Rein (thanks JP) has word that Unreal Tournament
2003 has gone gold as of 5:00 AM EDT this morning, and the game is expected in stores
by the end of the month. He describes the contents of the three CD distribution,
which will include the game and its over 35 levels, tools including Maya Personal
Learning Edition from Alias|Wavefront, The Karma Authoring Tool, a mod "starter
kit," the game's Linux support (which is not mentioned in the packaging), including
the client and the server. He also mentions plans for future related releases such
as a stand-alone server which will not require ownership of the game, the UDE (Unreal
Development Environment), a customized version of Gmax, and other cool features
for a bonus pack. In
a later
post (thanks
Mark also lists the names of the 37 maps the game will ship with.