has posted a review of Bethesda's, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. They gave it 8 out of 10.
Mark MacDonald: This is as close as a console RPG has come to pen-and-paper games like D&D: deep, non-linear and H-U-G-E, with more characters, towns and dungeons than you can imagine (all that's missing is the dice and Mountain Dew). It's way too much to go into here, and honestly at times it's overwhelming-the intricacies for the (very cool) abilities to make your own spells and magic items alone could fill a book. Combat isn't so hot, and you spend way, way too much time reading the same text talking to people. But if you have the time and are willing to commit to a seriously in-depth RPG (Final Fantasy it ain't), the freedom Morrowind allows will astound you.