(Translated) After the newest collections of MCV
partner Media Create in the week of 11 until 17 March continued to drop in
Japan the Xbox Hardwareverkaufszahlen, while the GameCube Durchverkauf
stabilizes easily. After the collection the Xbox sales decreased/went back
on 7.292 units in the view period. The GameCube, which obtained week
conversions of approximately 14,000 units at the Xbox Launchzeitraum, could
be issued 18,500 time. The PlayStation 2 is situated against it on
continuously high level to the previous weeks and found approximately 77,000
new buyers. The Durchverkaufszahlen in the year 2002 is situated thereby
cumulated with approximately a million PlayStation 2, 417,000 GameCube and
155,000 Xbox.
( Christoph Holowaty )
Xbox = 7,292