The Beast of Redmond could yet confound attempts to scrutinize its monopoly with an escape strategy of fiendish cunning. It's so cunning, in fact, that no regulator will be able to keep track.
The following discrepancies in very recent Microsoft intellectual property disclaimers have come to our attention.
Exhibit One: an advisory RFC entitled Utilizing the Windows 2000 Authorization Data in Kerberos Tickets for Access Control to Resources", submitted by Microsoft's IETF point man, John Brezak.
The opening paragraph reads:-
"This document is an Internet-Draft and is subject to all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026 [1] except that the right to create derivative works is not granted."
It's also an RFC advisory, and another submission on the same technical area. You'll note that the boilerplate text is subtly different: there's no clause prohibiting "derivative works". So far, so interesting, but bear with us gentle readers.