If you're using a pirated copy of Microsoft Office, you may be able to upgrade to a legit copy in lieu of the illegal one thanks to Microsoft's new anti-piracy plan. According to a spokesperson within the company, it will offer users licensed copies of Office in return for pirated ones under one condition: they must prove that they bought the software without any prior knowledge of its illegal condition.
The new Office replacement scheme comes as part of the new Office Genuine Advantage (OGA) program, which is similar to Windows Genuine Advantage in the way that it checks for a valid license key and authenticates the software to receive all updates and not just security ones. And just like the Windows for-free program, users can receive replacement copies of Office if they submit a proof of purchase, the counterfeit CD, and a report which covers the how, when, and where of the purchase. Finally, users must also have gone through and failed the OGA test.