A new virus called VBS/Hard has been recently discovered. This worm arrives in your outlook express mailbox with the following object line: FW: Symantec Anti-Virus Warning. The body of the message suggests it comes officially from the Symantec Anti Research Center since it's signed by a certain 'F. Jones Symantec senior developer'. Obviously this virus alert email is a bad prank... The file attached to this fake email alert is called "www.symantec.com.vbs" and will modify your Windows settings (only if you run it) so it'll spread the virus by sending it to everyone listed in your address book. Another effect of the virus is that every 24th november it'll display a message box that contains some shocking news. Symantec has took appropriate actions to eradicate quickly this new virus that threaten especially its customers by updating Norton AntiVirus definitions so the virus engine can detects & removes this virus.