For those who have not heard of any of these Macromedia products, lets just say they are now widely used across the Internet and in art/design firms all around the world. Macromedia Flash first surfaced some years ago and although it seemed to many to be just a fancy graphic fad at the time, has since developed into one of the most used Internet design technologies in circulation today. There isn’t any doubt that some of the best looking sites on the Internet use Flash to show off their fancy graphics and animation. Dreamweaver has gradually become the best Web Design tool in the business, far superior to the last release of FrontPage by Microsoft and GoLive! Created by Adobe. Next we have Fireworks, this isn’t as well known as the other parts of the package but is very useful in that it lets you create great web navigation, optimise graphics and introduce animation to web pages. Finally we have Freehand, FreeHand MX has everything you need to move seamlessly through concept, design, production, and publishing in a streamlined graphics environment, all while working within a single document. Reduce production time, easily repurpose content for the Internet, create new Macromedia Flash content, and more.