#25, One has to be very careful when examining the issue of coercive sterilization.
All modern nations have historical and current positions on the matter - Canada still has a policy in place, UMI Dissertation Services, 1995. [4], iv, 119 p. - The current practice in Canada of failing to fully inform Aboriginal and disabled women of their options before sterilization and promotion of Norplant implants are examples of continued reproductive abuse. Needed is an international feminist movement that advocates for all women's right to reproductive choice.
The irony here is that a classist feminist movement who first sought universal access to birth control, were among the biggest supporters of such programs. Disguised as a science, eugenics provided support for the view that reproduction by certain groups of women would produce a deterioration in the moral and intellectual fiber of society. Through its exclusive emphasis on sexism, the contemporary feminist movement has ignored race and class oppression. Both feminists and eugenicists who pushed for birth control in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the US, Canada, and the UK shared a racist, classist social ideology.
That's not what I'm referring to, however. I simply want governments to be very small, very weak, and to stop taking from the people. The government has taken millions from me and wasted it. We have given many millions more and put it to good and effective use.