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  ISO and IEC approve Office Open XML document format standard
Time: 12:16 EST/17:16 GMT | News Source: Ecma International | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

The International Standards Organization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) have approved ISO/IEC DIS 29500, Office Open XML File Formats as an International Standard. Approval requires at least 2/3 (i.e. 66.66 %) of the votes cast by national bodies participating in ISO/IEC JTC 1 to be positive; and no more than 1/4 (i.e. 25 %) of the total number of national body votes cast negative. Both of these criteria were achieved, with 75 % of votes cast by national bodies participating in ISO/IEC JTC 1 being positive and only 14 % of all national votes cast being negative.

Open XML is a platform-independent open standard for word-processing documents, presentations and spreadsheets. The standard has been widely adopted by hundreds of organizations throughout the industry, and serves to ensure the long-term preservation of documents by maintaining compatibility and fostering continuing advances in the field of documents and information technology.

Independent software vendors, including Apple, Corel, Microsoft and Novell have already shipped implementations of the Open XML standard within popular applications such as iWork, iPhone, WordPerfect, Open Office and Microsoft Office 2007.

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#26 By 28801 ( at 4/2/2008 1:32:36 PM
“People's "beliefs" have no place in a technical committee evaluating a proposed ISO standard.”

Latch, that is the most asinine thing you’ve ever said! In a world of robots your statement would be true. But as humans, all of our decisions are colored in some way by our beliefs.

#27 By 23275 ( at 4/2/2008 2:04:02 PM
Latch, say what you will...

Look at this list, Of the 87 votes, 10 opposed the standard: Brazil, Canada, China, Cuba, Ecuador, India, Iran, New Zealand, South Africa and Venezuela.

Of 87 countries voting, the ten above voted against.

Now... tell me the politics of these nations was not a factor - at the same time you will tell me that the likes of IBM and Google and Sun DID NOT lobby against Microsoft!

Politically, the 10 nations above despise the United States - and any person who has a lick of sense understands that Canada has a far closer affinity with GB than they do the U.S. They like our money, sure, but our nation? They despise us and any honest person from CN will admit it. Sorry CN, just pointing out that apparent friends may not actually be very friendly... and I for one, am willing to admit when we're not well liked. It isn't mutual, as we tend to like all people, because we're largely ignorant and believe that all people must want to believe as we do. Dumb... I know... but it is how we tend to see the world. We need to learn to not need to be liked at all. Oh... we do it among ourselves, too... it's weird. We like to see people succeed and then watch them fail... dopey! Business is a contact sport down here and too few people understand it/us that way. I don't and I get my butt kicked all the time.

#28 By 23275 ( at 4/2/2008 2:13:14 PM
Latch, not about ODF?

You know that you will never get away with that one...

Of course it was.

It was all about forcing Microsoft to underwrite shovel-ware that no one wants.

It was all about ODF and the people, companies and Govts. behind that formant who wanted Microsoft to fund their ascension. OOo and ODF are and have been free, yet MS Office dominates despite its costs.... and MS is to what... give up the farm and allow OOo and its supporters to benefit from decades of work and billions of dollars in R&D, and sales and marketing resources? Nuts!

The politics detractors attempted to insert fell as squarely on its backside as the ODF formant and OOo have. Now you're going to pretend that they are injured and noble parties?


Man, put your helmet strap on and rub some dang dirt on it. You lost. There will be another game and you can try again, but this one is a done deal.

#29 By 15406 ( at 4/2/2008 2:28:45 PM
#27: Latch, say what you will...

I will, and I can count on you continuing to avoid addressing anything I've said. At least you're smart enough to not defend the indefensible too much. Just gloss over the whole corruption thing, and instead you put on your tinfoil hat and see conspiracies everywhere.

Politically, the 10 nations above despise the United States - and any person who has a lick of sense understands that Canada has a far closer affinity with GB than they do the U.S.

So why didn't Canada vote Yes, just like England did, if we're so aligned with Great Britain? Um.... Plus, as far as I know, 5 of your 10 are not enemies of the US. Or is there some US-NZ cold war going on that I'm unaware of?

Also, I loved your little debate trick here: "They despise us and any honest person from CN will admit it." Yes, of course. Honest people would agree with you, and anyone who disagrees must therefore be dishonest. Uh-huh.

You don't have a clue about Canada, do you? Have you spent more than 10 seconds in Canada in the past decade?? I live here, always have, and to the best of my knowledge, nobody I know despises America. Quite a few of us despise that idiot you have in the White house and the foreign policy he pushes, but that isn't America, is it? But go ahead and feel sorry for yourself if it makes you feel better.

Here's another take on your conspiracy theory: by wild coincidence, the majority of those countries on your list are not susceptible to MS's "Stack The NB With Partners" game. Might that be why they voted no, because they weren't stuffed with MS puppets voting yes?

This post was edited by Latch on Wednesday, April 02, 2008 at 15:32.

#30 By 15406 ( at 4/2/2008 2:51:43 PM
#28: Latch, not about ODF?

You know that you will never get away with that one...

Of course it was.

No, it wasn't. It was about MS not losing out on the gov't contract gravy train, nothing more. It was about an immature standard being rammed through a fast track process inappropriately. It was about letting MS get away with the creation of a standard that nobody but them can fully implement, and then corrupting voting bodies to get the results it wanted.

It was all about forcing Microsoft to underwrite shovel-ware that no one wants.

Wha??? Bizarre. Have a look around the web for the total number of ODF documents versus OOXML documents. Considering how no one wants ODF, as you claim, there seems to be a whole lot of ODF documents on the web compared to virtually zero OOXML documents.

It was all about ODF and the people, companies and Govts. behind that formant who wanted Microsoft to fund their ascension.

ODF is already an ISO standard and has been for years now. Governments & companies are already using it. What 'ascension' are you talking about?

The politics detractors attempted to insert fell as squarely on its backside as the ODF formant and OOo have. Now you're going to pretend that they are injured and noble parties?


No, what's really laughable is how you're trying so very hard to spin this completely 180 degrees. I know I've already asked you once, without reply (as expected), but I'll ask again: do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up your claims? I can provide lots of evidence of committee stuffing by MS, phone calls from Bill Gates to various country's presidents on behalf of OOXML, general chicanery like committee heads ignoring their own people's advice and voting for MS etc. Can you provide anything at all to back up your claims? Anything at all?

Man, put your helmet strap on and rub some dang dirt on it. You lost. There will be another game and you can try again, but this one is a done deal.

We all lost, yourself included. You just don't realize it. And this fight is certainly not over. MS may think it can cheat its way to whatever it wants, but even mainstream people are starting to see.

At least you're right on one single thing: this fight isn't over.

#31 By 92283 ( at 4/2/2008 3:36:41 PM
"ODF is already an ISO standard and has been for years now"

1.0 is less than 2 years old.

1.1 (fixing some of the inadequacies in1.0) is less than 1.5 years old but is not an ISO standard.

1.2 (attempting to fix more inadequacies) is due next year.

"OpenDocument 1.2 is currently being written by the ODF TC. It will include additional accessibility features, metadata enhancements, spreadsheet formula specification based on the OpenFormula work (ODF 1.0 did not specify spreadsheet formulae in detail, leaving many aspects implementation-defined) as well as any errata submitted by the public. Originally OpenDocument 1.2 was expected by October 2007 but now is expected to become an OASIS standard around September 2008 and a new ISO/SEC version by summer of 2009"

No spreadsheet formulas in the specification???

ODF is craptastic!

This post was edited by NotParkerToo on Wednesday, April 02, 2008 at 15:50.

#32 By 23275 ( at 4/2/2008 6:05:19 PM
Latch, there is a question that so far, no one is asking: if ODF were exposed to even a small measure of the scrutiny that OOXML was, would it have been voted as an ISO at all?

This is interesting to ask - since reps form the NL said in part, "the specification is too big" (opposite OOXML) - perhaps because OOXML does include support for things like spreadsheets!

#33 By 15406 ( at 4/2/2008 6:27:36 PM
#33: Latch, there is a question that so far, no one is asking: if ODF were exposed to even a small measure of the scrutiny that OOXML was, would it have been voted as an ISO at all?

No, the question that needed to be asked was asked, but yet again you failed to provide any supporting facts to your claims. ODF was already scrutinized by ISO, and it survived that scrutiny without resorting to subverting the process around the world.

Now, about the supporting data for your claims about a global conspiracy against OOXML...?

#34 By 23275 ( at 4/2/2008 7:24:43 PM
Latch, it is all polictics, Part 4 of the OOXML specification identifies separate 573 extension points whose functionality is unspecified. Grep for extLst. This is "documented?" Indeed, the only reason Microsoft can claim conformance is that the spec is so poor that it allows vendor-specific extensions to be deemed conformant. ODF suffers from the same fundamental flaw.

Sun does the same thing. Google has done the same on ODF and so has IBM. Sun for example, has added 1500+ extensions to ODF which itself falls short of its own stated design goals, which will not meet the requirements of the ISO until version 1.2

In very simple terms, the spec is dreadful and fraught with errors and contradictions. That does not matter as much as the practical considerations at hand. MS Office and the enormous volume of documents which exist in that format presented a requirement for a standard format which could easily read in old formats and then be saved in an open standards based formal - OOXML. That's the practical requirement. Microsoft's position centered on the technical details around that.

Sun, IBM and Google, ignoring their own extensions to their chosen format, attempted to gain favor for their own formats by supporting ODF - regardless of how blatantly obvious it was that they were lobbying in their own interests.

So it is all politics really - some favoring the many, and in the case of ODF, elevating the few at the expense of the many. That is something elitists are very good at ... all while hiding behind the idea of a socialist utopia.

In the case of OOXML the political argument was won by not talking politics at all, but by addressing the technical questions raised. As I have said, MS schooled all. It was masterful and brilliant. So what if some don't like it... it is what it is and MS and the very young and naive US didn't make the rules...

#35 By 15406 ( at 4/3/2008 7:53:55 AM
#34: Once again, please provide some backing data for your claims. Nebulous speculation about what Sun or IBM may have done is not quite good enough. I will reiterate that I have hard facts that Microsoft cheated its way into ISO. You claim that Microsoft played fair, and everyone else around MS was cheating. I await your supporting data, if you actually have any. And, please, do not dodge this question again or it will be conclusive that you were talking out of your butt.

In the case of OOXML the political argument was won by not talking politics at all, but by addressing the technical questions raised. As I have said, MS schooled all. It was masterful and brilliant. So what if some don't like it... it is what it is and MS and the very young and naive US didn't make the rules...

OK, here you're just either flat-out misinformed, or lying. Tell me, was all of your exhaustive research on this issue done exclusively via MSDN blogs? Because the reports from people who attended the BRM all indicated that there was nowhere near enough time to address all the problems, leaving 98% unaddressed. It was decided to vote anyway and just fix the myriad problems in the maintenance phase, which is a bizarre position for a candidate for the fast-track. So, to sum up your position, you claim that Microsoft played fair & by the rules, despite all the evidence to the contrary, and Microsoft's competitors launched a dirty political campaign against OOXML, despite your complete and total lack of evidence or backing data.

Good thing you're not a lawyer.

#36 By 92283 ( at 4/3/2008 11:03:18 AM
Norway has already shot down Latchs lies.

Now comes Germany:

"The reports currently circulating the Internet regarding voting procedures in DIN's Standards Committee on Information Technology and Selected IT Applications (NIA) on ISO/IEC DIS 29500 "Office Open XML file formats" are false and misleading."

IBM, Sun, Groklaw and Latch have beclowned themselves with lies about voting irregularities.

None of those lies are proving to have any facts in them.

#37 By 15406 ( at 4/3/2008 11:46:57 AM
#36: Corrupt body accused of corruption denies they're corrupt. Film at 11.

Their vote was 7 to 6, with 7 abstentions. I wonder how many of the 7 YES votes were Microsoft partners...?

At any rate, there are plenty of other examples. I'm sure you'll try hard to debunk them all, but you'll have to wait until someone else does the thinking for you and puts it online for you to link to.

#38 By 92283 ( at 4/3/2008 12:50:45 PM
#37 What evidence of corruption exists (except in your bitter delusional mind).

I could wonder which of the 6 work for IBM.

But in the real world, being a Microsoft partnet implies you have the most customers of Office suites, so they should get a vote.

The minority ODF supporters should not be allowed to disqualify the people representing the majority.

"there are plenty of other examples"

All debunked so far.

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