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  Paramount poised to drop HD DVD format support
Time: 04:19 EST/09:19 GMT | News Source: Press Release | Posted By: Byron Hinson

Paramount studios is poised to drop its support of the high-definition DVD (HD DVD) format after Warner Bros studio said it would back the competing Blu-ray format, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday. The loss of support from Paramount, which is owned by Viacom, would likely deal the final blow to the HD DVD format backed by Toshiba and put an end to the format war, the newspaper said on its Web site. Time Warner's Warner Bros studio on Friday said it would exclusively release high-definition DVDs in Sony's Blu-ray format, marking a major setback to the HD DVD camp.

Blu-ray discs outsold HD DVD by nearly two-to-one in the United States last year, but HD DVD had secured major allies in August when Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks Animation SKG said they would go exclusively with HD DVD. But Paramount is understood to have a clause in its contract with the HD DVD camp that would allow it to change sides if Warner Bros backed Blu-ray, the Financial Times said, citing people familiar with the situation.

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#26 By 37 ( at 1/8/2008 3:27:22 PM
"#18 - I can create 720p content with 5.1 on my camcorder, doesn't mean the quality is that hot. I've used the live download service and comparing HD downloads on there (5gb) to HD-DVD titles of the same film is like chalk and cheese, there is a massive difference and I want HD sound from my HD films currently download services can't provide that."

I can also create 1080p content on a camcorder with 7.1 surround. My viewing of HD-DVD, BR and the Xbox Live HD downloads have been identical in quality. HD sound isn't even available on the Xbox 360 due to the lack of HDMI 1.3 output (360 is 1.2, which doesn't have TruHD sound). Download services do make HD sounds available, it's just the devices are not supporting. The PS3 supports this however, so they will be releasing their download movies in full TruHD sound as well.

#27 By 92283 ( at 1/8/2008 3:30:46 PM
From reviews I've read, the most important thing in ensuring a good HD experience is that the encoding being in VC-1.

For those who pirate I think that works out to 9GB compressed. Not that I've ever downloaded a movie that size. Seriously.

I doubt it would play on my Divx/DVD player thats connected to an old 19" CRT TV in my other TV room.

There is no need for Blu Ray or HDDVD. They could have done it (without extras) on dual layer DVD.

#28 By 37047 ( at 1/8/2008 3:40:51 PM
The end is near:

Comcast promising ultra-fast Internet

"Roberts is expected to demonstrate a technology that delivers up to 160 megabits of data per second: It will allow him to download a high-definition copy of "Batman Begins" in four minutes. The technology, DOCSIS 3.0, will start rolling out this year."

Let the HD downloading begin...

Edit: That makes Batman Begins in HD about 4.7 GB in size. Easily put on a DVD9 disk.

This post was edited by MysticSentinel on Tuesday, January 08, 2008 at 15:43.

#29 By 37 ( at 1/8/2008 4:28:27 PM
You are dead on Mystic. I also believe the power companies will start using the power in homes more frequently for internet access, which is also pumping out amazing speeds in areas that are already supporting internet over the power in homes.

#30 By 3 ( at 1/8/2008 4:43:43 PM
#23 - got an external surround sound Mic - it is one of the Sony 1080i HD Camcorders. Got it over christmas.

#22 - Don't get me wrong the quality of Xbox Live! HD is ok, its just I'd prefer to rent those films on HD-DVD or Blu-Ray from my local store for a few days than download what I feel is a low quality HD film, if i bought an HD-DVD or Blu-Ray and had the quality I have seen on Live on the Disk I'd probably never buy them again..You mention Casino Royal - check it out on Blu-Ray looks fantastic, especially in 24fps!

#31 By 3 ( at 1/8/2008 4:48:24 PM
#28...yes look forward to that rolling out...but people should remember the world doesn't end in the US - to make Downloadble HD work, everywhere needs high spec broadbacd and that just isn't happening anywhere near soon.

Also proper HD of Batman Begins is nearly 25gb on HD-DVD.

#26 - I know HD sound isn't out on HDMI, but I'm just stating from what I have personally seen of the films in HD - Compare 300 on HD on Live to Blu-Ray or the HD-DVD release, its once again chalk and cheese - better colour, less artifacts and 1080p!

#32 By 7754 ( at 1/8/2008 5:10:28 PM
#28: not to mention upload speeds exceeding 100Mbit/s (provided they offer it). Given that the current max download speed is ~40Mbit/s and that most cable services don't offer anything near that, though, I wonder what we'll actually see for download speeds.

#30: cool. What kind of stuff do you record?

#31: do you know what codec they used for the Batman Begins HD-DVD? My guess is the 25GB includes the extras, right? I wonder if the HD download was 720p, 1080i, or 1080p.

#33 By 3 ( at 1/8/2008 5:13:18 PM
#32 - VC-1 was used for Batman. I can't see that 5gb download being 1080p or 1080i - It's 30gb inc extras so I'd say at least 15/20 for the film.

Oh and if helps anyone doing comparisons of films on Live! and on HD - Batman Begins is a good one - on Live it runs at 6.8Mbps in 720p, the HD-DVD version is 14Mbps at 1080p,

I use the camcorder for just general recordings of partys and such like - though I plan to do video reviews for it whenever we get the new site up and running.

This post was edited by Byron_Hinson[AW] on Tuesday, January 08, 2008 at 17:28.

#34 By 3 ( at 1/8/2008 5:38:06 PM

Great list of bitrates and codecs for blu-ray titles there if anyone is interested too.

#35 By 89137 ( at 1/8/2008 5:53:55 PM
#33 - and when will that 'new' site be up? Should we be holding our breathe?

This site is already so far behind the times that by the time a new site launches, the rest of the world will have since moved on.

This post was edited by bigjobs on Tuesday, January 08, 2008 at 18:07.

#36 By 3653 ( at 1/8/2008 9:40:03 PM
"#7 - and adds 50% more space onto the disks too - oh but we forget that"

and how many of your blurray discs are using that space right now? Hope you enjoy paying for the empty space.

I find it interesting that those on the board that forever cry CHOICE in the marketplace... are the very ones that appear happy at the thought of losing CHOICE in this instance. Perhaps they just made up the argument to cover what is essentially HATE.

#37 By 2960 ( at 1/9/2008 8:29:36 AM
Movie Downloads......

Ok, I spend 12-14 hours a day at my PC. Every day.

I'll be DAMNED if I'm going to download lower-quality media meant to be played on a PC and spend another 2-4 hours sitting upright in the same chair at the same computer I work at.

Hail no!

I want it on my 50" DLP, in full HD or DVD quality, where I can kick back with a beer, pet the dog, stroke the cat, and relax at the end of a hard day.

Screw all this PC-based video download shit.


#38 By 7754 ( at 1/9/2008 10:01:02 AM
#37: gotta agree with you there--watching movies on my PC isn't my thing, either. But just because it's a download, that doesn't mean you have to watch it in front of a monitor... XBox Live HD for example, or any of the others via Extender (or Extender-like) or STB technologies.

#39 By 37 ( at 1/9/2008 10:09:07 AM
TechLarry...the Xbox Live HD movies that you download in your living room are 720p HD movies with 5.1 surround. You get the full HD quality on your 50" DLP.

#40 By 2960 ( at 1/9/2008 3:50:29 PM
Yeah, I understand about the XBL movies. I'm more talking about all these companies that want to take over the world and make all distribution via download.

Look at what it has done to music. We've basically been tricked into accepting lower quality recordings at the same or higher price than CD's.

Ain't we a bunch of bafoons :)


#41 By 37 ( at 1/9/2008 5:33:11 PM
Speaking of which, I just bought my first album on iTunes. Foo Fighters Skin & Bones acoustic live CD. It was a pretty quick experience. It downloaded 3 songs at a time, which took about 8 seconds for 3 songs. There are 17 songs on the album, plus the digital book. It literally took about 1 minute to download in to iTunes. I like that kind of service.

However, I haven't compared the quality of the files to a regular CD.

#42 By 3653 ( at 1/10/2008 2:13:22 AM
AWBrian, why not download the entire discography, and tell apple to shove it...

Thats a preview link. I don't want to trick anyone into going to a torrent site.

This post was edited by mooresa56 on Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 02:15.

#43 By 12071 ( at 1/10/2008 5:19:45 AM
Whilst you're telling Apple to shove it... tell the studio to shove it too... and all the band members of Foo Fighters...

#44 By 37 ( at 1/10/2008 6:54:56 AM
Mooresa56, what is the difference between me going to that website and download the album, and going into Best Buy and walking out of the store with the CD, and not paying?

If every artist gave away their songs to everyone for free, we wouldn't have any artists.

I guess I am missing your point?

#45 By 3 ( at 1/10/2008 1:37:10 PM
#44 - agree completely, got to say that the itunes store is fantastic - obviously stick an MS logo on it and mooresa56 might use it.

#46 By 3653 ( at 1/10/2008 2:55:05 PM
"stick an MS logo on it and mooresa56 might use it."

Not a chance in hell.

"band members of Foo Fighters"

Yeah, i feel sorry for those guys. lol. Nope. Not even a little.

"what is the difference between me going to that website and download the album, and going into Best Buy and walking out of the store with the CD"

Are you being dense on purpose? Obviously, downloading the album would be much faster. Duh. ;-)

As I've said many times, torrents are my character flaw. I'm working it out with God, so pray for me. Now let me get back to my 1.1TB of mp3s.

This post was edited by mooresa56 on Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 14:57.

#47 By 37 ( at 1/10/2008 3:50:53 PM
Shame shame Moorea56. At least your honest about being dishonest. It's the first step :-)

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