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  What Went Wrong with Windows Vista?
Time: 09:50 EST/14:50 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Watch | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

December is the month for year-end reviews. We begin our first 2007 look back by offering 10 reasons why Vista failed to "WOW" consumers or businesses.

Make no mistake: Despite PR assertions otherwise, Windows Vista did not meet Microsoft expectations. The signs are everywhere:

  • Windows Vista advertising ended almost as abruptly as it started
  • Microsoft beat the drum a bit too loudly about the number of Vista licenses shipped
  • Windows Ultimate Extras became a real dreamscape of empty promises
  • Microsoft already is advancing plans for Vista-successor Windows 7

Some of these signs are bigger than Vista's early disappointment. There has been a change of management in the Windows group since Vista's launch. Also, Microsoft executives are feeling better about Vista today than in, say, March or April. Vista delivered good revenue results during Microsoft's 2008 fiscal first quarter, which ended Sept. 30.

That said, Vista has gotten off to a rocky start, which could have been avoided.

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#26 By 16797 ( at 12/10/2007 3:54:41 PM
#24: "I refuse to have Microsoft's Sword of Damocles hanging over my head in the form of WPA & WGA. "

They put stuff like that in Windows because of people like you in first place.

#27 By 2960 ( at 12/10/2007 3:57:22 PM
I'm all for off topic, interesting discussion, but can we dispose of the personal whippings and move on?

#28 By 37 ( at 12/10/2007 3:58:34 PM
"I'm not clear on how I'm a hypocrite here. Care to elaborate? While I've been critical of MS' unethical & illegal behaviour and some of their products shortcomings"

Well to be honest, if you are indeed running 2 illegal licenses (in addition to your 2 legal licenses), that is unethical and illegal as well. So, I can see the hypocrisy there. Someone who is performing unethical and illegal behaviors voices their dissatisfaction with a company doing the same thing falls into the kettle/pot/black category.

I have, in the past, run illegal copies of software as well.

#29 By 3746 ( at 12/10/2007 4:07:02 PM

Nice to see you spinning in circles trying to explain yourself. How is the fact that you had a 1500 gift card to Best Buy and could only buy your computer there MS's fault? Every major manufacturer still offers systems with XP on it. You were not forced into buying a system with Vista and then running a pirated upgraded version. You could have even bought a system with Linux on it. Or no OS at all. Or built a system from scratch. Don't make it out to seem that Bill gates came to your door and made you buy a particular system, with a particular OS, and forced you into a license agreement that you didn't want. If you don't like the licensing agreement then don't buy the software. But then that would make too much sense huh?

And the road does make you money just as your OS does. You wouldn't be able to get to work and make money if it wasn't there. But the difference between the road and your software is that you are actually paying for the road through your taxes. In your world i bet you think you shouldn't have to pay for roads either.

Yeah i was thinking the same thing. If he is doing work from home they would providing a laptop or the software itself. Every major company i deal with would not allow this to occur. The only way most operate is to provide company laptops for VPN access.

#30 By 28801 ( at 12/10/2007 4:52:28 PM
#29 One more thing - If Latch is bypassing WGA then how does get updates for his various illegal systems? He always complains about Windows' lack of security, yet here he is running unpatched systems.

And oh yes, why didn't he use the $1500 to buy an Apple? They are sold at Best Buy.

#31 By 37 ( at 12/10/2007 7:35:52 PM
"And oh yes, why didn't he use the $1500 to buy an Apple? They are sold at Best Buy."

That is what I did. Once you go Mac, you don't go Back.

#32 By 15406 ( at 12/10/2007 8:27:48 PM
#28: I'm running two licenses, period, not "in addition to" anything. This, at worst, could be considered a breach of contract which is certainly not illegal in a criminal sense. I own two license and I'm running two licenses. I do not believe that MS should have the right to dictate which license runs where, and in my judgment I will run what best suits my requirements. I can sleep knowing that I'm adhering to the spirit, if not the absolute letter, of the agreement.

#29: How is the fact that you had a 1500 gift card to Best Buy and could only buy your computer there MS's fault?

I never said it was. What was MS' fault was how you could not, at that time, buy a system with anything but Vista on it. You actually have more options for OS now, thanks to the Vista backlash, then earlier this year.

Every major manufacturer still offers systems with XP on it.

Um, no, not at Best Buy in May of this year you couldn't.

You were not forced into buying a system with Vista and then running a pirated upgraded version.

Yeah, I kinda was since you couldn't get anything but Vista. How many times do I have to say it? And, for the record, I downgraded to XP on that system.

You could have even bought a system with Linux on it.

Not at Best Buy I couldn't, and even then it would not allow me to remote in to work unless it ran Windows so Linux was out of the question regardless.

Or no OS at all. Or built a system from scratch.

Not from Best Buy. Starting to notice a pattern here?

Don't make it out to seem that Bill gates came to your door and made you buy a particular system, with a particular OS, and forced you into a license agreement that you didn't want. If you don't like the licensing agreement then don't buy the software. But then that would make too much sense huh?

I needed a new system and they all had Vista on them. MS' onerous licensing terms are ridiculous and arbitrary. I have two systems and two licenses. The fact that I'm not running them the way that MS dictates is hair-splitting, and the only reason any of you give a damn is that you're just looking to hammer me for any little thing you can find. When MS was caught red-handed bribing a company, you all just whistled and looked the other way. But now I'm running Vista on an XP box and XP on a Vista box... well, I should be thrown in prison for my sins I guess. None of you guys have ever run any warezed software, no downloaded music or movies? Hmm?? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

This post was edited by Latch on Monday, December 10, 2007 at 21:37.

#33 By 37047 ( at 12/10/2007 10:03:12 PM

With all the conspiracy theories being thrown about here, the first stone I expect to see is Oliver. :-)

#34 By 16797 ( at 12/11/2007 3:41:00 AM
#32 Spin, spin, spin..

I do not believe that MS should have the right to dictate which license runs where, and in my judgment I will run what best suits my requirements.

Likewise, Microsoft is selling what best suits their requirements. Linux is under GPL because it best suits their requirements. If Microsoft was breaching GPL, they'd be wrong. Period.

Man, you're a such a hypocrite.

#35 By 28801 ( at 12/11/2007 10:37:39 AM
#32: There are no excuses not to be legal except your own stubborness:

Windows XP Pro for $55.

#36 By 92283 ( at 12/11/2007 10:59:13 AM
I find it ironic that Latch is being hammered for running Vista illegally when the truth is still that he isn't running Vista at all.

He told some unbelievable lie to sucker people into thinking he is actually running Vista.

Now he's being hammered for the content of the lie, not the lie.

#37 By 15406 ( at 12/11/2007 12:21:38 PM
#34,35: Let me ask you something: do either of you have any music on your computers ripped from CDs you own? The recording industry says that ripped music fom CDs you own is unauthorized and stolen product, and they would like you to purchase via iTunes or other online merchant the music you already have on CD. Do you both agree with their interpretation, or do you disagree? My question is relevant to my understanding of your beliefs in what is legal vs what is moral.

#38 By 2960 ( at 12/11/2007 1:17:45 PM
I just thought of a bit of irony...

The Music Industry didn't care back when we were copying Cassette Tapes and Records because the source was analog, and suffered a decrease in quality when copied.


Now they don't want us to copy their pristine digital copies. Instead, they sell us copy-protected AAC, MP3 and WMA files - Already degraded in quality from the source.

Now ain't that a bitch or what?


#39 By 3746 ( at 12/11/2007 2:22:42 PM

You can spin it any way you want. Just because you don't believe the licensing is right doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want. If you don't like the licensing don't buy or use the product. You take the moral high road constantly but you can't see that your actions make you a hypocrite. Plus even if for the sake of argument you are right you are still running an upgraded version of Vista from the one you bought. Home premium to Ultimate.

#40 By 15406 ( at 12/11/2007 2:58:54 PM
#39: You can spin it any way you want.

I fully understand that, no matter what I say, you and the rest of the microbots will continue to poke me with a stick. No problem, I'm not going to pull a Ketchum, take my ball and go home. I can understand your frustration with my constant exposure of Microsoft's bad behaviour & criticism of their shoddy products, and this is your one chance to get your sanctimonious revenge. As the saying goes, I've been called worse by better.

I'm as imperfect as any other human. However, I wouldn't be so fast to judge me. Did you knowingly break the speed limit on the way to work today? Did you ever copy a movie or song for a friend/family member? Did you fudge your taxes just a little bit? Did you ever jaywalk or blow a stop sign? You've never run unlicensed software, ever? I've admitted that I swapped licenses on two systems, and I don't feel the slightest bit guilty for it. What have *you* done, or gonzo, or rxcall? Not that I expect any of you to admit to anything, as that would knock you off your high horses. I notice neither gonzo nor rxcall have been in any hurry to reply to my question. Nobody is ethically pure and I sure didn't ever claim to be, and you don't have to be to call attention to the serious deficiencies of another.

Plus even if for the sake of argument you are right you are still running an upgraded version of Vista from the one you bought. Home premium to Ultimate.

At the time, Ultimate was all I could find. Since Vista is on less than 15 minutes per week, tops, for software installation experimentation, I don't even use the features of Ultimate over Home Premium, or Basic for that matter. It hasn't been booted in the last few weeks. The last time it was up, I installed an IDE that I do some dev work on just to see that it works. I'll probably boot it up this weekend to test the VPN client. If, after the release of SP1, all my problems with Vista are resolved and my required software functions, I will eventually revert the HP box back to it's original Vista config and blow XP off the secondary system. I'll make sure to notify you all when I do so that you can celebrate me for reforming my evil ways.

#41 By 28801 ( at 12/11/2007 3:07:40 PM
Yes, I have some illegal music, but I don’t bellyache about how much the song sucks then continue to listen to it. That would make me a hypocrite.

I don’t give a rat’s ass whether you pirate software, music, videos or whatever. Just don’t pilfer it then complain about it. If you don’t like it, don’t use it.

You never answered my question: Does your company know that you are connecting to their network with illegal, unpatched software?

This post was edited by rxcall on Tuesday, December 11, 2007 at 17:11.

#42 By 16797 ( at 12/11/2007 3:38:56 PM
#40: "What have *you* done, or gonzo, or rxcall?"

We just nailed you for your hypocrisy..

And I'll tell you what I haven't done: complained constantly about someone else doing something, if I was doing basically the same thing.. But that's just me.

#40: Nobody is ethically pure and I sure didn't ever claim to be, and you don't have to be to call attention to the serious deficiencies of another.

You see, that is called hypocrisy. I mean, didn't you just write: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."???

#40: "I don't even use the features of Ultimate over Home Premium, or Basic for that matter."

Yeah and I stole that nice car. But so what, I'm not really driving it that much.. :)

Latch, you are so b.u.s.t.e.d.

This post was edited by gonzo on Tuesday, December 11, 2007 at 15:51.

#43 By 15406 ( at 12/11/2007 8:06:19 PM
#42: We just nailed you for your hypocrisy..

And I'll tell you what I haven't done: complained constantly about someone else doing something, if I was doing basically the same thing

Not even close. I've admitted what I've done and I don't think I've done anything wrong. To compare that with the deeds of MS, a company that has a long history of screwing customers, partners and competitors, a company with a long list of legal defeats for taking the technology of others and using it without paying anything for it, a company that has been convicted of antitrust violations in the US and Europe, a company that is in an ongoing effort to force through their flawed standard into ISO by stacking or bribing foreign committees, a company that was recently caught bribing another company to displace a competitor (unsuccessfully)... that's just absurd.

You see, that is called hypocrisy. I mean, didn't you just write: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."???

There is no equivalence. I have a license for XP and a license for Vista. MS should not be allowed to dictate what happens with your system after you've bought it, and I will resist their attempts to do so. In a more reasonable world, I should be able to install my licensed copy of XP or Vista on any system I own, so long as there is only as many active installs as licenses purchased . I'm not looking to rip MS off and they get their OEM license money from the systems I paid for. Nothing I have done precludes me from ripping Microsoft when they do something to deserve it.

#44 By 28801 ( at 12/11/2007 8:55:58 PM
Latch's catch phrase: “Hey, at least I’m not as bad as Microsoft”!

#45 By 16797 ( at 12/11/2007 8:56:12 PM
#43 Whatever..

#46 By 15406 ( at 12/11/2007 10:06:14 PM
#44: You might want to watch what you say. You've admitted to copyright infringement, but you're ripping me for running warezed Windows instead of the Windows I have a license for? I'm using something I paid for in a manner not approved by the owner. You're using something you didn't pay for in a manner not approved by the owner. Nobody is 100% innocent & pure, so it all comes down to degree. FYI my company has no policy regarding systems used to connect to the VPN.

#45: You've probably got downloaded or ripped music on your system right now.

#47 By 28801 ( at 12/12/2007 7:05:37 AM
#46: You might want to watch what you say - you've admitted yourself that you didn't pay for Vista Ultimate.

As I said, I don't care what you do with respect to illegal acts. I just fine it comical that you do nothing but rip Microsoft yet you go out of you way to use their software. You go out of your way to upgrade their software in a way that prevents legit patches from applied to that software, then you bellyache that the the software sucks.

You complain up and down Activewin about Microsoft's infrequent patches, but here we find that you don't even apply them.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Latch.

This post was edited by rxcall on Wednesday, December 12, 2007 at 08:27.

#48 By 15406 ( at 12/12/2007 8:31:28 AM
#47: You might want to watch what you say - you've admitted yourself that you didn't pay for Vista Ultimate.

Yet I'm not labeling anyone a hypocrite while having unclean hands, as you are doing.

I just fine it comical that you do nothing but rip Microsoft yet you go out of you way to use their software.

Go out of my way?? Please. My work requires it, and there are one or two things that I can't do in Linux that I need to do. Believe me, the second I can dump Windows, I'll be gone.

You go out of your way to upgrade their software in a way that prevents legit patches from applied to that software, then you bellyache that the the software sucks.

Where did I say that I'm unpatched? Both my XP and Vista installs connect just fine to WU and update without a hitch. You're making incorrect assumptions, or smoking weed. One of the two.

#49 By 28801 ( at 12/12/2007 8:59:10 AM
Forgive my ignorance in the software theft arena (I'm only somewhat experienced in music theft). I assumed that since you bypassed WGA that you couldn't get updates - my mistake!

I’ll say it again it’s not the thievery I fine hypocritical, it’s your bellyaching. Windows sucks but you can’t do the real important stuff on Linux. Which OS sucks again?

It's a shame MS has a monopoly on the desktop OS lest we all be forced to use an OS that can't play games and can't connect to work. The only thing left is to download porn. I knew Linux was good for something!

#50 By 15406 ( at 12/12/2007 10:36:31 AM
#49: I’ll say it again it’s not the thievery I fine hypocritical, it’s your bellyaching.

You throw 'hypocrisy' around a lot. I think you need to crack open a dictionary and find out what the term really means. Complaining about Windows while using it is not hypocrisy. (And since you apparently haven't been paying attention, I complain a LOT more about Microsoft in general than I do about Windows specifically.) Complaining about your government while living in the country is not hypocrisy. Complaining about the evils of tobacco while being a smoker is not hypocrisy.

Windows sucks but you can’t do the real important stuff on Linux. Which OS sucks again?

I can do everything I need, with the exception of two important things, none of which have to do with Linux's lack of suitability. It is not Linux's fault that there is no Linux client for the firewall my company uses. It is not Linux's fault that there is no development environment for a particular Windows segment that I require.

It's a shame MS has a monopoly on the desktop OS...


The only thing left is to download porn. I knew Linux was good for something!

Perhaps for yourself. Smarter people have found many better uses for Linux.

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