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  Adobe buys Web word processor Buzzword
Time: 02:15 EST/07:15 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Andre Da Costa

Adobe Systems has officially entered the "Web office" game. The company on Monday is expected to announce that it has acquired an 11-person start-up, called Virtual Ubiquity, that has built a free Web word processor called Buzzword. Financial terms were not disclosed. The move expands Adobe's collaborative software services and steps up its competition with Microsoft and a host of other Web application providers, including Google.

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#26 By 15406 ( at 10/2/2007 8:23:22 AM
#25: Yeah, I laughed at that statement, too. How about:

"Vista is the most secure closed-source OS from Microsoft named Vista."

Honestly, are there ANY other mass-market closed source operating systems??

#27 By 32132 ( at 10/2/2007 10:43:45 AM
1) I think anyone who thinks Linux is secure hasn't looked at the security pages of any Linux distro recently ... or is just a stooge for FSF.

Other closed source operating systems

IBM Mainframe OS family

#28 By 32132 ( at 10/2/2007 10:44:51 AM
"The cost of developing an exploit for Vista is significantly higher than for any previous versions.

As a result, I think that most of the security researchers will move on to greener pastures for a while. Why try to chase a difficult overflow out of Vista when you have Acrobat Reader installed, some Antivirus software with shoddy file parsing, and the latest ITunes ?
I expect only a small number of remotely exploitable vulnerabilities in Vista"

#29 By 48398 ( at 10/2/2007 8:21:14 PM
I wonder if Microsoft used an Excel formula when calculating the number of Vista licenses sold.

#30 By 32132 ( at 10/2/2007 11:41:43 PM

7.38% of websurfers ... 74 million Vista users.

(Assuming 1 billion users)

#31 By 28801 ( at 10/3/2007 6:59:54 AM
This is really pretty amazing considering all the bad press Vista has gotten (some of it deserved, some not). I suspect that the 10% mark will be surpassed within a month or two of SP1 release.

#32 By 37047 ( at 10/3/2007 7:52:01 AM

Other closed source operating systems

IBM Mainframe OS family

Good try. OS X is built on top of BSD Unix, which is open source. Solaris is open source. Good use of the shotgun approach. And as for unhackability, OpenVMS would beat Vista easily. There aren't very many exploits for Solaris, either. Or HP-UX.

#33 By 28801 ( at 10/3/2007 9:45:33 AM
#32: OS X may be may be built on top of BSD but I'll bet you can't look at the code - that makes it closed.

Solaris was closed until recently.

"OpenVMS would beat Vista easily"

talk about unsubstantiated...

#34 By 7754 ( at 10/3/2007 11:31:37 AM
And as for unhackability, OpenVMS would beat Vista easily.

I must bring up the famous quote (from:

"From the internals point of view there is utterly no question that NT is VMS re-implemented."

#35 By 32132 ( at 10/3/2007 12:09:55 PM
#32 Great! Point me to the download location for the "OS X" source code!

As for HP-UX ... it runs open source software. There are a boatload of vulnerabilities in BIND,Java,Apache, Firefox, openSSL, sendmail ...

A few examples ....

ESB-2007.0737 -- [Win][Linux][HP-UX][Solaris] -- Installation of Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 on Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 or 8.x May Compromise Application Server Security

ESB-2007.0718 -- [HP-UX] -- HP-UX Running BIND, Remote DNS Cache Poisoning

ESB-2007.0719 -- [HP-UX] -- Previous HP Ignite-UX security fix script incorrect - updated script released

ESB-2007.0710 -- [HP-UX] -- HP-UX Running logins(1M), Remote Unauthorized Access

ESB-2007.0346 -- [Win][Linux][HP-UX][Solaris][AIX] -- Security Vulnerabilities in the SOCKS Module of Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0

ESB-2007.0707 -- [HP-UX] -- HP-UX Running Firefox, Remote Unauthorized Access or Elevation of Privileges or Denial of Service

ESB-2007.0659 -- [Win][Linux][HP-UX][Solaris][AIX] -- Security Vulnerabilities in the Network Security Services (NSS) Library May Affect Sun Java System Application Server, Web Server and Web Proxy Server

ESB-2007.0195 -- [HP-UX] -- HP-UX Running Thunderbird, Remote Unauthorized Access or Elevation of Privileges or Denial of Service (DoS)

ESB-2007.0552 -- [HP-UX] -- HP-UX Running Firefox, Remote Unauthorized Access or Elevation of Privileges or Denial of Service

ESB-2007.0615 -- [Win][Linux][HP-UX][AIX] -- Multiple HP Products Running Shared Trace Service, Remote Arbitrary Code Execution

ESB-2007.0647 -- [HP-UX] -- Local Unqualified Configuration Change in HP-UX Running the Ignite-UX or the DynRootDisk

AA-2007.0068 -- [Linux][HP-UX][Solaris][AIX] -- Incorrect permission assignment vulnerability in Hitachi Cosminexus Application Server

ESB-2007.0591 -- [Win][Linux][HP-UX][Solaris][AIX] -- Vulnerability in Redirect Functionality Affects Sun Java System Web Server

ESB-2007.0599 -- [HP-UX] -- Hewlett-Packard HP-UX Remote ldcconn Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

ESB-2007.0590 -- [HP-UX] -- HP-UX Running BIND, Remote DNS Cache Poisoning

ESB-2007.0583 -- [HP-UX] -- HP-UX TCP/IP stack - two denial of service vulnerabilities

ESB-2007.0207 -- [Win][Linux][HP-UX][Solaris] -- Sun advisory for security vulnerabilities in the NSS May Affect SSL Clients and SSL Servers

ESB-2007.0464 -- [HP-UX] -- HP-UX Running Xserver, Local Denial of Service (DoS)

ESB-2007.0408 -- [HP-UX] -- HP-UX Running BIND, Remote Denial of Service (DoS)

ESB-2007.0383 -- [HP-UX] -- HP-UX running CIFS Server (Samba), Remote Arbitrary Code Execution

ESB-2007.0994 -- [HP-UX] -- SSRT4728 - HP-UX running TCP/IP Remote Denial of Service (DoS)

ESB-2007.0342 -- [HP-UX] -- HP-UX running Kerberos, Remote Arbitrary Code Execution

ESB-2007.0583 -- [Win][Linux][HP-UX][Solaris][AIX] -- HP OpenView Storage Data Protector, Remote Arbitrary Command Execution

ESB-2007.0196 -- [Win][RedHat][HP-UX][Solaris][AIX] -- The Directory Server ("ns-slapd") May Exit Unexpectedly When Handling Certain Queries

ESB-2007.0279 -- [Win][Linux][HP-UX][Solaris][AIX] -- Memory Leak in the Network Security Services (NSS) Software May Lead to Denial of Service

#36 By 32132 ( at 10/3/2007 12:11:50 PM
As for OpenVMS, since HP took it over, it runs Apache, BIND, openSSL etc etc etc

#37 By 37047 ( at 10/3/2007 12:19:23 PM
#35: I ran the search at the same site for HP-UX, VMS, Solaris, and Windows for the last 48 months. Here are the results:

VMS : 4 issues

OS X : 110 issues

HP-UX : 152 issues

Solaris : 540 issues

Windows : 1012 issues

This post was edited by MysticSentinel on Wednesday, October 03, 2007 at 12:37.

#38 By 32132 ( at 10/3/2007 12:42:09 PM
#37 You had me worried until I noticed searching for Windows brought up hundreds of articles referencing Windows:

The top two results:

Windows Rootkit Prevention and Detection
This document is intended to introduce Windows system administrators to the concepts necessary to understand the threat posed by rootkits on the Windows platform. The document also outlines tools and techniques that system administrators, and thos... (13/05/2005)

Windows Intrusion Prevention Workshop - Hands-On
This two day hands-on course covers technical aspects of protection strategies for Windows environments. Participants are guided through the creation of a data collection toolkit, and applying these tools and knowledge to detect and analyse a compromi... (03/04/2007)

And things like Symantec vulnerabilities. And iTunes. And Netgear.

If you want to play the numbers game for "Windows" you'll have to try somewhere else since almost all software runs on Windows.

The list I posted was VERY RELEVANT to HP-UX. Your list, and you, are a joke.

This post was edited by NotParker on Wednesday, October 03, 2007 at 12:44.

#39 By 28801 ( at 10/3/2007 12:44:01 PM
Hey Sentinel - how many users are running browsers on HP-UX or Solaris for that matter?

Why don't you do a search for Windows 3.1 or OS2 Warp? If no one is using the OS then it's not gonna have vulnerabilities!

#40 By 32132 ( at 10/3/2007 12:50:49 PM
As for OpenVMS.

Secunia has 4 for 8.x and 10 for 7.x.

But they don't list all the vulnerabilities in Apache, Bind etc that ship with OpenVMS these days.


"A potential security vulnerability has been reported with HP OpenVMS when running BIND v 9.2.1 or BIND v 9.3.1. The vulnerability could be exploited remotely to cause DNS cache poisoning."

Security Focus has 145 results when searching for OpenVMS advisories:

#41 By 32132 ( at 10/3/2007 12:51:50 PM
Security Focus has 605 results when looking for HP-UX advisories

I admit those go back 10 years or more.

This post was edited by NotParker on Wednesday, October 03, 2007 at 12:52.

#42 By 37047 ( at 10/3/2007 12:55:18 PM
#38: And things like Symantec vulnerabilities. And iTunes. And Netgear.

If you want to play the numbers game for "Windows" you'll have to try somewhere else since almost all software runs on Windows.

So, if you want to stick to just OS level stuff, your own list as posted above will also need to be modified, as it contains non-OS applications as well. Since you searched for all HP-UX vulnerabilities regardless of OS or app level, I merely did the same for the other OSes. I did the same search, merely substituting other OS names for HP-UX in your search URL. SO, you can't say a Firefox or Thunderbird vulnerability counts if it is in HP-UX or Solaris, but doesn't count on Windows. But then again, we know you have a hypocritically defensiveness when it comes to Microsoft, so maybe you feel you can do that.

#43 By 37047 ( at 10/3/2007 12:56:02 PM
#41: I only went back 48 months for all searches, as previously indicated.

#44 By 32132 ( at 10/3/2007 1:40:11 PM
"SO, you can't say a Firefox or Thunderbird vulnerability counts if it is in HP-UX or Solaris, but doesn't count on Windows."

Well ... if Firefox is the default browser on HP-UX, it should count. Just like you would count IE vulnerabilities.

But honestly ... open source apps themselves are HUGE HUGE holes in all operating systems. If you ship open source apps with your OS, you are shooting yourself in the head.

Look at the list ... Apache, BIND, kerberos, xserve, Samba ... and on and on.

This post was edited by NotParker on Wednesday, October 03, 2007 at 13:42.

#45 By 37047 ( at 10/3/2007 2:09:14 PM
#44: Well ... if Firefox is the default browser on HP-UX, it should count. Just like you would count IE vulnerabilities.

The difference is, of course, that Firefox is installed separately, and is not part of the OS, where as IE is integrated deeply into the OS, thus IE counts as part of the base Windows OS install, and Firefox doesn't. I can install a Solaris server with no Firefox. I cannot install a Windows 2003 R2 server without IE.

#46 By 32132 ( at 10/3/2007 11:59:05 PM
IE installs in locked down mode On Win2K3.

Open source software ... the security hellhole that contaminates the security record of every OS it touches.

This post was edited by NotParker on Wednesday, October 03, 2007 at 23:59.

#47 By 7754 ( at 10/4/2007 1:38:08 AM
To paraphrase Homer: "Now that's zealotry!"

#48 By 419961 ( at 10/19/2010 6:12:54 PM
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#49 By 477561 ( at 3/10/2011 1:10:55 PM
Sometimes I like a little something extra out of my online gaming. There has been a lot of buzz lately about websites where we can put some cash down on our online gaming for xbox or PS3. I have used several of these sites and thought I would share my experiences with them.

Virgin Gaming:

Pros: Big cash prizes, automatic reporting
Cons: Noobish user base, inconsistent website makes it hard to find a match sometimes

Virgin is the biggest player with the most marketing dollars behind their site, but their inconsistent website is buggy and confusing. They have automatic reporting on all matches and a wide selection of games, but there seems to be many low rent players who use the service and its hard to find a good challenge.


Pros: Weekly free tournaments with nice prizes, automatic reporting, great website
Cons: Still not a lot of users, less games

Rivalspot is a newcomer with a lot of potential, but they are still a bit young. They have weekly tournaments posted on their Facebook page where you can play for free and have a reasonable chance at winning a cash prize at the end. I like their blog, where they post a lot of great sports content, and there are a lot of great players who use the site - it is just still starting out so there aren't as many users online at any given time.


Pros: Easy to find a game, good userbase, good game selection
Cons: No automatic reporting

Gamersaloon could be a strong player but to me the lack of automated reporting is a deal breaker. I just can't bring myself to trust some guy in some unknown part of the country being honest about the fact that I just pwned him.

Overall I always try Rivalspot first - they have the most potential IMHO, and when I can't find a match there I jump on to Virgin.

I know there are other similar sites out there, so I was hoping to make this into a thread where we can post about our experiences and maybe hook up for some cash gaming.

#50 By 519489 ( at 4/16/2011 4:22:32 AM
hi i had the same problem i had copied 6 or so discs without a hitch then all of a sudden it started to throw out coasters about 3rd of the way on the disc i'd get a deep ring as if it had just stayed static when writing to disc,the only thing that i had done was to update my software or film ware i too use Nero and have a liteon dvd the 811,all i did was to delete my Nero and shrink software and reloaded with the newer versions and i was back to copying normally again,also check that u are using dma mode and not pio i found that for some reason it had changed to pio mode when i rectified this solved my transfer from hd to dvd,just go into device manager and check to see what ur drivers are using check on the ata/atapi controllers,i just deleted mine and rebooted windows reloads them and corrected them to use dma hope this helps

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