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  Microsoft Admits That Windows Vista Was Not Ready for the World in January 2007
Time: 04:51 EST/09:51 GMT | News Source: Softpedia | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

Microsoft's latest operating system Windows Vista was launched to business on November 30, 2006 and to the general public on January 30, 2007. After the operating system hit the shelves, the first reactions pointed out shortcomings in application, device and hardware compatibility. The end of July is synonymous with six months of availability for Windows Vista, and Microsoft acknowledged that the operating system was not ready for the world back in January. However, the Redmond company twisted the confirmation so that Vista wouldn't be at fault.

"Compatibility is now at critical mass with Windows Vista. You know, when we introduced this product on January 30, like all platform introductions, we had introduced it to a world that wasn't quite 100 percent ready for it. There were compatibility issues that remained, there were driver issues that remained. And I can tell you that five and a half months in, that situation has changed, and changed materially," stated Mike Sievert, Corporate Vice President, Windows Product Marketing during the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2007.

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#26 By 11888 ( at 7/12/2007 6:30:28 PM
Parallels is a fantastic package. I don't use it every day but for that site that works better with IE it's great. If Civ4 ran in a virtual machine I wouldn't need the Boot Camp partition at all. I just discovered that I can use Windows Live Messenger in Parallels and have it access the iSight built into my MacBook.

#27 By 16797 ( at 7/12/2007 7:15:39 PM
#16 Time Machine is one feature that I am looking forward to on Leopard that Vista doesn't have (without combining multiple processes).

What is wrong with 'Previous Versions' in Vista?

One more thing - Vista does incremental backup on cluster level while Time Machine requires separate drive/partition.

#28 By 3653 ( at 7/13/2007 1:57:14 AM
maybe its me, but for the past year... i've felt that AW comment sections have been dominated by about a dozen people. But in the past week, I've noticed at least a dozen new folks stepping up with very intelligent comments. I won't name names, but it is appreciated.

ps... I've also noticed a whole new crop of people that clearly see into the souls of bullshite artists like latch, ch, and kabuki. Not that it takes a genius to see their hate, given that they embarrass themselves on a daily basis... but still nice to know other's are paying attention too .

#29 By 15406 ( at 7/13/2007 9:23:16 AM
I tell you how far I have taken it, though I could, I have not, and by intent, even looked, so who is what, or actually whom, remains unkown to not only myself, by all in my company and it will remain that way.

This is the single greatest sentence I have ever read. I have no idea what it means, but it intrigues me like the Da Vinci Code or something.

#29: Pretty strong statements from you, considering it's only been in the last 6 months that you've come out from under Parkker's skirt. Sometimes I wonder if I'd be happier if I was like you and the other ideologues here. Put on the blinders and worship Microsoft. But my morals, ethics and personal values keep getting in the way, and I don't subscribe to the belief that might makes right. I don't believe that MS should be able to screw whomever they please because they can. I don't like how they subvert the evolution of technology based on profit motivations. You've heard it all from me before, but you just don't care and that's the real shame here.

#30 By 13030 ( at 7/13/2007 9:23:38 AM
#29, Just because you don't agree with the views (expressed by some of the posters here) doesn't necessarily diminish their value or pertinence.

#31 By 13030 ( at 7/13/2007 9:24:49 AM
#26, I think that went without saying based on my experience here.

#32 By 15406 ( at 7/13/2007 10:02:56 AM
#31: Just ignore that as it's a common criticism deflection technique. You see, it's not that MS is an unethical, morally bankrupt company that would literally do anything for a dollar, it's that you're consumed with irrational hate. And it's even more to be ignored, considering it's coming from someone who rarely offers a relevant opinion and instead just snipes from the sidelines.

#33 By 32132 ( at 7/13/2007 10:14:13 AM
Latch, you and kabuki are consumed by irrational hate.

The whole OSS cult is consumed by irrational hate. Its what defines you.

You don't actually stand for anything constructive.

#34 By 23275 ( at 7/13/2007 11:08:51 AM
#34, I believe that they are simply as passionate about their views as we are about our own.
While it has a definate negative side to how they present it, I think that is just how people are these days and where we'd go to war over certain words [literally, one spoke certain words and someone was going to lose some teeth over it], it is not that way any more. People have heard so many that two things have happened - 1) They don't trust or believe any thing, or any one and 2) they don't take to heart much of what is said - bad, or good.

#35 By 32132 ( at 7/13/2007 12:36:33 PM
"I believe that they are simply as passionate about their views as we are about our own."

Nope. They aren't for anything. They just hate.

#36 By 23275 ( at 7/13/2007 4:01:46 PM
#36, It sure feels that way sometimes - perhaps I should have written, "I have to believe..." Like I said, it is just as things are. Mooresa is right though, we are seeing a lot more [and good] perspectives - agree with them or not, that is a great thing. I think it is good to have one's views challenged - the more the better.

#37 By 135 ( at 7/13/2007 4:18:34 PM
maybe its me, but for the past year... i've felt that AW comment sections have been dominated by about a dozen people. But in the past week, I've noticed at least a dozen new folks stepping up with very intelligent comments. I won't name names, but it is appreciated.

That'd be a nice comment, except I'm not new.

#38 By 135 ( at 7/13/2007 4:27:17 PM
Nope. They aren't for anything. They just hate.

You know, this whole argument was kind of pathetically funny back when it was used by Bushies to explain away people pointing out the failings of our drunken leader.

Now it's just pathetic.

It's clear from reading your comments, that you are the one who is consumed by hatred. So why not just embrace your hate, and become one with the dark side of the force?

#39 By 11888 ( at 7/13/2007 8:45:01 PM
Hmmm. . .no one has mentioned Hitler yet.

#40 By 3653 ( at 7/14/2007 2:39:44 AM
Now sodablue, you know I could never lump you in with any group. You stand alone. I just wish you'd finish up whatever you're doing that takes all your time... and frequent the site a bit more. I loved your comments (except when they ventured into politics).

And I MUST say... your comment #39 is obviously some word association you have with me and Bush. You respond to me... and then you go right into beating on Bush. (something your last two candidates couldn't do, I might add).

I wish I could find those old election night political arguments. Such fond memories, gloating over sodablue on a tech site. lol.

#41 By 32132 ( at 7/14/2007 10:08:20 AM
#39 poor sodablue. Still bummed about Wesley Clarks crash and burn.

The fact that is, I do like many Microsoft Products and I detest the Microsoft haters who hang out here who never have anything positive to say.

Are you so demented these that days you choose to redefine liking Microsoft products as "being consumed by hate"?

Why don't you crawl back under your rock with your "I Surrender" T-Shirt.

#42 By 135 ( at 7/14/2007 7:32:16 PM
Now sodablue, you know I could never lump you in with any group. You stand alone. I just wish you'd finish up whatever you're doing that takes all your time... and frequent the site a bit more. I loved your comments (except when they ventured into politics).

LOL! Next time, vote using reason rather than blind emotion. Maybe we won't end up with a drunken moron for President.

#43 By 135 ( at 7/14/2007 7:40:49 PM
The fact that is, I do like many Microsoft Products and I detest the Microsoft haters who hang out here who never have anything positive to say.

Why do you detest? Why not just get a life?

Why don't you crawl back under your rock with your "I Surrender" T-Shirt.

Who do you hate more? It's remarkably pathetic that for the sake of a political battle back home, you would advocate giving the battlefield to our sworn enemy.

Or don't you understand what is really happening? Are you so caught up in the rhetoric of Pravda, that you fail to see reality?

#44 By 3653 ( at 7/16/2007 10:30:50 PM
"Maybe we won't end up with a drunken moron for President."

Thats the wittiness I remember. It only makes people see that the democrats are devoid of ideas, and only sling mud. Case in point... just look at the new democrat congress. Have they accomplished any democrat ideals? nope. Have they used the pulpit to sling mud? yep.

I paraphrase, from 5 years ago... 'saying no to everything the republicans say... is not a platform'

#45 By 135 ( at 7/17/2007 10:46:01 AM
#45 - The whole "devoid of ideas" argument is so like 2004. It's time to face the reality of a 26% approval rating.

I read a lot of political blogs, right, left, all over the place. The former Republicans have begun referring to it as the Bush Crime Syndicate, especially after this Scooter Libby deal. Except they are less competent than the Italian mob.

Peggy Noonan, who has always been somewhat delusional, is now writing about how she'd just wish the bastard would go away.

It's interesting, how Clinton's approval rating at this point was 66%. Polling on the question of Impeachment shows greater support for the impeachment of Bush today, than there was of Clinton back in 1998.

Welcome to reality, mooresa56. I remember back in 2003, your nuts were arguing how wonderful the Iraq invasion would be. Bet you wish you could take that back, don't ya?

#46 By 3653 ( at 7/18/2007 12:54:05 AM
"26% approval rating"

Again, reference my comments about "mud slinging" being the demos only accomplishment. Your preferred stat, only proves that point.

Impeach Bush? If they thought they could, they'd start the preceding tomorrow. Fact is, the demos would botch that as well as they've botched their first 6 months as majority.

"Bet you wish you could take that back, don't ya? "

Not at all. But why are you asking me? Ask the iraqis if they want to go back to the saddam dictatorship. Don't fret though soda... just because you and your kind asked for an interventionalist policy for eons (reference bosnia, reference sudan, etc) and when you get a taste of it... you don't have the stomach (some would say the "balls") for it. In other words, the demos are all MOUTH and no ACTION. Again, reference the past 6 months. All MOUTH, no ACTION. Reference the impeachment "talk": All MOUTH, no ACTION. See the pattern yet?

This post was edited by mooresa56 on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 at 00:55.

#47 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 4:42:06 AM

#48 By 4240821 ( at 10/30/2023 3:42:03 PM

#49 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 5:06:44 AM

#50 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 1:44:09 PM

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