"The point, sodajerk, and why I think you need to read the David Brock book is because you have quite clearly gotten yourself into a position where you have allowed your world view to be distorted by fantasy solely because of your extreme hatred towards Microsoft.
Somewhere between black and white there is grey. You don't have to be 100% anti-MS. Until you realize that you will continue to be a pathetic debater. "
No, my world view isn't distorted, I use Microsoft products more frequently than I use others, I can still use them productively, and follow their technology, etc. What I have allowed is for my message, mostly on this site, to reflect anti-Microsoft sentiments, largely due to their business practices, past history, corporate culture (or lack of it), and product design in most any issue I choose to post on. I think people who don't hear it, need to, whether or not their ability to hear it is impaired by my bias or toying with you. In fact, I frequently take the devil's advocate position whenever I post--so when I am at a Mac site, I mostly find negative reasons to post--instead of self-congratulatory love. Admit it, I make this site a bit more fun for you, don't I?
I don't think I've ever been 100%-anti-MS--after all, haven't you gotten to a point where you can predict the topics I am going to post on: I post on the larger, corporate statemanship and legality issues, future technology, etc... and occassionally, on stupid little topics like this one just to work people up into a tizzy. I don't post anti-MS comments on every topic, and even when I am speaking against them, there is an occasional concession or two.