LINQ is a codename for a set of extensions to the .NET Framework that encompass language-integrated data query, set, and transform operations. It includes extensions to the C# and Visual Basic languages with native language syntax for queries and provides class libraries to take advantage of these capabilities.
Following the vision setting preview released at the 2005 PDC, the May 2006 preview of Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) shows the progress made towards realizing that vision, and sets the trajectory for Visual Studio code name “Orcas”.
This release adds significantly to the LINQ functionality previously available. Highlights of this release include:
Productivity enhancements via DLINQ designer and debugger support within the Visual Studio 2005 IDE.
- Support for a broader range of development scenarios thanks to new databinding and ASP.NET support.
- Ability to integrate LINQ with existing code through features like LINQ over DataSet and DLINQ improvements including inheritance
- Feedback driven features including deep stored procedure support, since the earlier CTP.
The installer contains:
- LINQ libraries
- VB and C# language enhancements
- Visual Studio IDE additions
- Samples (VB or C#)
- LINQ Overview
- Standard Query Operators white paper
- Getting Started papers
- DLinq overview
- DLinq Hands-on-labs
- XLinq Overview
- XLinq Hands-on-labs
- References and language specifications