Weblogs and weblog feeds (XML representations of blogs entries) have changed the way we share information. Whether you're looking for information about Microsoft Visual Basic, software development in general, or even your favorite hobby, chances are there are a number of blogs covering the subject if you're not already blogging it yourself.
Moving forward, it makes sense that we as Visual Basic developers will want to add this type of communication and community support to our own Microsoft Windows Forms, Microsoft ASP.NET, Microsoft Office 2003, and mobile applications. The .NET Framework 2.0 makes writing code based on networking (like HTTP) and XML schemas (like RSS 2.0) incredibly straightforward. Visual Basic 2005 makes creating and accessing this code in other projects incredibly easy by leveraging the My namespace.
My.Blogs is a collection of sample code that will show you how you can easily provide programmatic access to weblogs in the applications you build. The My.Blogs sample code supports reading from blogs feeds (including RSS 2.0, ATOM 1.0, and RDF 1.0) as well as posting entries to blog servers (using the MetaWebLog API). This sample is based the Beta 2 version of Visual Studio 2005, Visual Basic 2005, and the .NET Framework 2.0. The code is supplied "as-is" and is intended as sample code that you can use for educational purposes and extend for use in your applications.