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  * Book of the Day: Breaking Windows: How Bill Gates Fumbled the Future of Microsoft
Time: 00:00 EST/05:00 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Robert Stein

David Bank's Breaking Windows offers a scathing inside look at the past few tumultuous years at the Microsoft Corporation. Bank, who covers the company for The Wall Street Journal, bases this well-written tale on interviews he has conducted with most major players (including Bill Gates), along with boxes of e-mails and other documents that "provided an unprecedented glimpse into strategic debates and internal decision-making processes of a company that had long restricted outside access to its insular corporate culture." Through them he shows how Microsoft, which always put software above everything--and in more recent years made Windows its number-one priority--has scrambled and squabbled as first the Internet and then the U.S. government forced major directional changes and significant internal reevaluations.

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#26 By 135 ( at 12/3/2003 3:22:47 PM
"If you listen to a lot of conservatives, they'll tell you the difference between them and us is that conservatives love America and liberals hate America. . . They don't get it. We love America just as much as they do. But in a different way. You see, they love America the way a four-year-old loves her mommy. Liberals love America like grown-ups. To a four-year-old, everything Mommy does is wonderful and anyone who criticizes Mommy is bad. Grown-up love means actually understanding what you love, taking the good with the bad, and helping your loved one grow. Love takes attention and work and is the best thing in the world. . . When liberals look back on history, we see things we're very proud of. And we also see some things, which might have seemed like good ideas at the time, but turned out to be mistakes. And some things we did, well, they were just bad. That doesn't keep us from loving our country - it's part of loving our country. It's called honesty. What do you think is more important to a loving relationship: honesty or lies?"

-Al Franken
LIES And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right

#27 By 1845 ( at 12/3/2003 3:27:49 PM
Without stating my thoughts one which side, liberal or conservative, falls into which category, I say, "Here, here!" to the sentiment of what it means to love.

#28 By 135 ( at 12/3/2003 3:29:01 PM
To be honest, some people get caught up in the whole argument... see the constant irrational praising of mommy, and respond only with criticism.

I've come to the conclusion in recent years that the differentiating factor between liberals and conservatives, or democrats and republcans, is not policy or other esoteric arguments.

It instead all boils down to personality.

It's not a pure conclusion, but it's a piece of the puzzle and you see this in the way daz and parker make their arguments.

This post was edited by sodablue on Wednesday, December 03, 2003 at 15:39.

#29 By 20 ( at 12/3/2003 5:53:17 PM
I don't really care about the book. Read it or not. In fact, I'm sure it's probably a really good book with plenty of facts and salatious details.

My point was just that the tagline was sensationalistic and is not true. BobSmith seems to want to ignore that fact and post random poems and other BS ignoring the truth and logic.

And of course, for some reason, blue has to bring in politics and even worse than that, quote the drunkard and assaulter Al Fraken.

Not to mention that Franken is a complete idiot and that he's completely wrong. Liberals distort the truth and obscure specific facts, especially when they might put conservatism and Republicans in a good light.

Seriously, find any 5th grade public school history book in California and see how many pages are dedicated to Abraham Lincoln. In some books, he gets LESS THAN A PAGE! The rest of the book is dedicated to the history of Native Americans, or a stellar and flattering review of how well Communism worked int he Soviet Union before the evil and barbaric Reagan with his "Freedom" came and broke it all down. It's quite sad, really.

Public schools today spend more time making students feel better than teaching them. Something like 2 or 3 out of every 5 public school high school senior has problems reading and something like 1/5 can't read at all.

Perochial schools are slightly better, but they're trying to compete with the feel-goodness of the public schools so the parents don't think that the teachers are "mean".

And god forbid the parents even actually do anything. They're too busy working 2 jobs to pay for the ridiculous taxes hoisted upon us from the Democrats.

#30 By 135 ( at 12/3/2003 6:10:04 PM
daz - "Seriously, find any 5th grade public school history book in California and see how many pages are dedicated to Abraham Lincoln. In some books, he gets LESS THAN A PAGE! The rest of the book is dedicated to the history of Native Americans, or a stellar and flattering review of how well Communism worked int he Soviet Union before the evil and barbaric Reagan with his "Freedom" came and broke it all down. It's quite sad, really. "

Now that wasn't the case when I took US History in Minnesota's school system. I'm curious how you know this when you already admit to having no interest in reading books. Do you have a source for this claim?

You claim the title of this book is sensationlistic, but then you make a sensationalist claim based on little facts yourself. I find that interesting as well.

"Something like 2 or 3 out of every 5 public school high school senior has problems reading and something like 1/5 can't read at all. "

Maybe in Texas or Alabama, but not in Minnesota. Do you have a source for this one?

"And god forbid the parents even actually do anything. They're too busy working 2 jobs to pay for the ridiculous taxes hoisted upon us from the Democrats. "

Now that's an interesting statement. Are you talking about the income taxes that Democrats favor or the property and sales taxes that Republicans favor? The progressive Democrat taxes would likely not impact someone who was in a position of working 2 jobs, as the tax rates at the lower income levels are slight.

However the regressive property and consumption taxes that Republicans favor would directly impact someone working 2 minimum wage jobs.

Then on the whole taxation thing, I'm still puzzled by the attitude that massive deficits are better than reasonable spending and taxation policies.

No, I was right in my initial assessment, the differences have nothing to do with policies, it's all about personality.

daz just thinks he has to be right all the time, and he's willing to make shit up if that's what it takes. And that, my friends, was the subject of Al Franken's book on "Lies and the lying liars that tell them."

This post was edited by sodablue on Wednesday, December 03, 2003 at 18:14.

#31 By 13030 ( at 12/3/2003 6:56:42 PM
daz: "Something like 2 or 3 out of every 5 public school high school senior has problems reading and something like 1/5 can't read at all. "

sodablue: Maybe in Texas or Alabama, but not in Minnesota.

I do tire of people taking digs at Texas...

If the Minnesotans are so damn smart (well, at least literate), then why do they have so many taxes. (I guess they're paying for that slight literacy edge with a Texas size portion of taxes.)

Minnesota (as of January 1, 2002)
Corporate Income Tax: 9.8%
Individual Income Tax: 5.35% to 7.85%
Sales Tax: 6.5%
Property Tax per $100: 1.25

Texas (as of December 3, 2003)
Corporate Income Tax: None
Individual Income Tax: None
Sales Tax: 6.25%
Property Tax per $100: 0.95

And, by the way, the following states all performed worse than Texas in the most recent reading tests (

Percentage of students at or above Proficient in reading, grade 8 public schools (2003):
New Mexico
South Carolina
West Virginia

Average reading scale scores, grade 8 public schools (2003):
District of Columbia
New Mexico
South Carolina

#32 By 116 ( at 12/3/2003 9:12:32 PM
Ummm Blue... We can read "good" in Texas thank you very much. Our higher education institutions are much more prestigious than those from Minnesota... I agree with you pretty much but lets get rid of the jabs on us good mannered simple country folk. Make fun of british people... Much easier target. Here I will start. At least we can brush our teeth unlike those unclean Brits!

As for the book, I'll prolly read it after it has been touted so highly from RMD, Bob, and Soda. Any others that I should add to my reading pile?


#33 By 1845 ( at 12/3/2003 9:43:00 PM
World War 3.0 by Ken Auletta. It's a detailed account of the US anti-trust case.

#34 By 135 ( at 12/3/2003 10:26:58 PM
ch - "If the Minnesotans are so damn smart (well, at least literate), then why do they have so many taxes."

To pay for the schools, roads and other infrastructure.

Here's another interesting statistic for ya...

Minnesota has the 7th highest per capita income in the nation.

Who has the lowest? Oh yeah, the same states who have low taxes and refuse to spend money on schools, roads and infrastructure.

Fascinating, ain't it?

#35 By 135 ( at 12/3/2003 10:56:05 PM
RedAvenger - "We can read "good" in Texas thank you very much. Our higher education institutions are much more prestigious than those from Minnesota... "

I was talking about the public elementary and secondary school systems, in response to daz's ridiculous comment.

"Make fun of british people... Much easier target."

Naw, I like the Brits. Can we make fun of California? They've got high tax rates and sucky schools.

#36 By 13030 ( at 12/3/2003 11:51:04 PM
sodablue: Minnesota has the 7th highest per capita income in the nation.

Who has the lowest? Oh yeah, the same states who have low taxes and refuse to spend money on schools, roads and infrastructure.

It seems excessive taxation is related to these things more than per capita income. ;-)

Texas ranks third in Gross State Product and 16th in GSP per capita (same as Minnesota).

BTW, our roads here are the best I've driven or had any out-of-state visitors talk about. (And just consider the amount of area the roads have to cover.)

#37 By 20 ( at 12/4/2003 12:28:35 AM
Once again Sodablue defends against obvious facts. Typical liberal, refusing to admit that any major government institution could possibly be wrong. After all, anything that the government does is perfect and our ancient "democracy"/"republic" captialism system is so outdated and we should go towards the Socialist Utopia as proclaimed by Karl Marx (may god bless him and keep him).§ionID=35&NEWSYEAR=2003

(quoting the NEAP 2003 Education Report, a government funded anual evaluation of the public school system)§ionID=35&NEWSYEAR=2003

The public school system purposely keeps Black students down, thus fostering the environment where Liberals can continue to feed lies to uneducated Blacks and keep them voting Liberal. Because by and large, the majority of African Americans with college degrees or higher are conservative.

If you want an example of how liberals/Democrats get scared when they see an educated African American (heretofore AA for brevity) conservative, just see how they treat them:
a.) Clarence Thomas
b.) Colon Powell
c.) Condoleeza Rice
d.) Numerous AA Bush judicial nominees

And the list goes on

Education Secretary Rod Paige said that the achievement gap is starting to close; in three years, the proportion of black fourth graders reaching the basic level in mathematics rose from 36 to 54% nationwide. The proportion of Hispanic students reaching the basic level in fourth grade math rose from 42 to 62% in three years. While still not proficient, these numbers give cause for optimism. But there is still an approximate 30-point difference in average scores between blacks and whites, a gap which has not budged since 1992, in both grades 4 and 8.

#38 By 20 ( at 12/4/2003 12:29:30 AM

So you see, under Bush, the education of minorities is doing better. Bush's education programs are benefiting inner-city schools and minorities. They're not being oppressed by the soft-racism of liberals. "No Child Left Behind Act" is working.

Here's a state-by-state breakdown:

We see that Texas is about in line with the rest of the country, including Vermant, Howard The Dean's state.

So when students are taught actual lessons, and tested on them, and the results are verified by a state-wide independent test and teachers are forced to account for what they're teaching, results show.

When the NEA has the run of the show and they serve the interests of protecting teacher job security and promoting their liberal socialist agenda and spend more time teaching 4th graders about condoms and the mechanics of homosexual sex than about READING or WRITING or MATH!

The state of our national schools is abysmal. It's either a liberal indoctrination ground like we have here in Austin, or it's a rich elite school that isn't half bad, but you have to pay extra to go there (huge property taxes, etc).

The liberal solution to education, like anything, is tax the heck out of the middle class and throw more money at it. They've been throwing money like crazy at it. Billions and billions and literacy rates continue to dwindle. Only when you take a conservative tough-love approach do you actually get any type of results. But the system is fundamentally flawed because it's run by the federal government. Nothing the feds do is ever successful.

What Soda either realizes and chooses to hide, or fails to realize (a public skrool education?) is that raising taxes more and more and killing off of the middle class doesn't help anyone but the fat-cat politicians and the non-producers. What you eventually do is kill off the middle class and create a two-caste society in which the poor will eventually overtake the rich and then you'll have... you guessed it! Communism which is always the logical conclusion to any liberal policy focus.

#39 By 20 ( at 12/4/2003 12:35:28 AM
Sorry one more thing... so you see, according to the 2003 national average (which is better than most previous years, thanks to Bush, as detailed above):

28% of 8th graders are functionality illiterate or cannot read at a BASIC level near their grade level.

That's greater than 1/4th. I said 1/5th, so I was giving them the benefit of the doubt, it seems. And remember, it was worse than this in 2000!

Only 72% are able to read at a BASIC level or better.

So 68% are BASIC or lower (less than PROFICIENT or where they SHOULD be at that level).

That's around... what? 2/3rds? I said what... 2 or 3 out of 5? 3 /5 = 60%. 2/3 = 66%. Again, I gave them the benefit of the doubt.

Of course, Soda, when confronted with facts will probably come back with some ad-hominem about how I'm just a whacko-right-winger and he's a "centrist" and believes that we should all pay more taxes and give all our rights to the government and take more entitlement handouts (which is essentially left-wing view, but he'll never admit it)

#40 By 2332 ( at 12/4/2003 11:05:36 AM
All liberals are racist!

All conservatives are religious nuts!

All liberals hate America!

All conservatives are greedy scum!

All [insert group here] are [insert idiotic statement here]!

Get a grip people.

#41 By 135 ( at 12/4/2003 1:33:21 PM
daz - "Of course, Soda, when confronted with facts will probably come back with some ad-hominem about how I'm just a whacko-right-winger and he's a "centrist" and believes that we should all pay more taxes and give all our rights to the government and take more entitlement handouts (which is essentially left-wing view, but he'll never admit it) "


There's something just strangely bizarre about a man defending an administration which has increased the size and scope of Federal Government to the largest degree seen in this nation in over 30 years.

And at the same time accuses anybody who questions him of supporting big government.

It seems that your perception and reality are on two different cosmic planes of existence.

#42 By 2332 ( at 12/4/2003 3:16:34 PM
#52 - War is expensive.

Apparently it's expensive both in terms of money and freedom, because the current administration loves taking both.

#43 By 135 ( at 12/4/2003 4:34:53 PM
parker - "War is expensive."

War only accounts for 20% of the record increases.

"The good news is that the economy is growing like crazy."

But who benefits if we aren't also creating jobs?

RMD - "Apparently it's expensive both in terms of money and freedom, because the current administration loves taking both. "

Yep, that's the problem with this administration. They are liberal in all the wrong ways.

BTW, if you want to read a different perspective on politics, check out the paleo-Conservative magazine Chronicles...

I don't agree with them, but it's interesting to see the old conservatives whining about how the neo-conservatives have taken all the worst aspects of liberals and conservatives and applied them in a desperate grasp for power.

#44 By 2332 ( at 12/4/2003 5:05:15 PM
#54 - Hmmm. I do remember the Democrat Administration taking away the freedom of 10's of thousands of Japanese, Germans and Italians during WWII.

Ya, it was wrong then, and it was wrong now. I'm not a democrat, so bashing them isn't going to get me all mad. I think they do plenty of stupid stuff too.

Can you name any of the people who have lost their freedom under this administration?

I can think of quite a few... but the big problem is that most of the people who have lost their freedom haven't been able to contact ANYBODY, so how are we supposed to know who they are? They had their right to a lawyer and their right to habius corpus suspended. (Both are obvious and disgusting violations of the Constitution and existing Federal law.)

In many ways, the Patriot Act is no different than what McCarthy and his Unamerican Activities panel. McCarthy was arguably a democrat, so there ya go. I don't care if what their affliation is... they're doing wrong, and I'm not gonna be affected by some insane patriotic blinder.

Further reading on why this administration (and all the sheep in congress, for that matter) has probably the single most reprehensible record on freedom since the red scare:

I find the state of American politics to be absolutely disgusting. I can't understand how people could even align themselves with one these parties. If ever there was a time for revolution, it is now.

Alas, the average voting american is fat, dumb, and relatively happy. It's just a matter of time before the general public clues into what THEY have let happen to this country. It took a few years with McCarthy, and it will take a few years with Bush... but it will happen.

#45 By 2332 ( at 12/4/2003 5:09:00 PM
Oh, I forgot one...

As for "taking money", isn't it the Democratic plan to repeal the tax cuts (when this administration gave people their money back) thereby taking away money?

First of all, I understand the need for taxes. I have no problem with paying them. We pay the lowest tax rate of any industrialized nation.

My comment about Bush taking money is not one intended to reflect an anti-tax stance. It's intended to reflect my anti-unilaterialism. This war wouldn't be so expensive if Bush hadn't single handedly destroyed foreign policy for the next 20 years. The man, and his administration, are completely incompetent.

Bush is a liar, a fool, and has damaged this country for a generation to come.

#46 By 1845 ( at 12/4/2003 10:53:53 PM
RMD, have you forgotten your commandments again?

Thou shalt not diss Bush. Bush is perfect, therefore, if thou dost diss Bush, thou art a liar.

#47 By 2332 ( at 12/5/2003 12:14:08 AM
#58 - But you can't name any. Got it.

I certainly can name people. How about Dr. Thomas Butler? He was recently convicted of patriotic act related offenses for actually coming forward and doing his job as a responsible scientist by telling the authorities that vials of smallpox were missing.


How about Hasan Hasan? He was thrown in jail (WITHOUT being read ANY of his Miranda rights, btw), because he was muslim. This was possible thanks to Bush and the Patriot Act.


Here is a site with MANY similar accounts:

If you honestly think that nobody has had their rights stripped from them by this administration, you're either lying to yourself or are seriously dillusional.

o all of the US allies such as the UK, Australia, Poland and others do not count. Got it. You are lying about Bush.

Are you really that ignorant? When Bush took office we couldn't count our strong allies on one hand. Please, do us all a favor and educate yourself:,9565,170431,00.html

Funny... people absolutely hated Clinton for lying about getting a BJ in the oval office. Bush lies about things that really matter, and people give him a free pass.

This post was edited by RMD on Friday, December 05, 2003 at 00:14.

#48 By 2332 ( at 12/5/2003 9:32:57 AM
I really feel sorry for you, Parker.

If your attitude didn't affect other people, it might actually be funny. But instead, it's scary.

You are so completely blind to the world around you.

#49 By 1845 ( at 12/5/2003 10:22:39 AM

Here, here!

#50 By 1845 ( at 12/5/2003 2:28:40 PM
Hmm, this there's a typo there. It's supposed to read:

Bush Derangement Syndrome: the acute onset of hero worship in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency -- nay -- the very existence of George W. Bush.

It seems you're infected, parker. A healthy dose of reality should clear it up though. Perhaps that'll come for you next November when the American people don't re-elect your god. I hope it comes sooner, but I'm not holding my breath.

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