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  What's hot (and not) about Windows Phone 7
Time: 10:55 EST/15:55 GMT | News Source: CNET | Posted By: Robert Stein

After more than a month of living with Windows Phone 7, I have to say, Microsoft's new phone operating system is starting to grow on me. Although I liked the general look of the operating system, I suspected its simplicity was only skin deep and that over time I would uncover both annoying glitches and places where the phone was all too much like a little computer. Instead, there are hidden delights. In the past week I've found the cursor, voice recognition, and other things that I missed in my first days playing with the phone. Here are just a few examples of features that I only recently noticed: if you are in an e-mail or other place where one might want a cursor, hold a finger down in one place and a cursor pops up that you can then drag to the place you want to go. Click to the left of an e-mail and it brings up the check boxes that can be used to delete multiple e-mails--one of the most common tasks people do on their phones.

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