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  Who Says There's No Romance in VideoGames?
Time: 12:47 EST/17:47 GMT | News Source: Microsoft | Posted By: Brian Kvalheim

Who says there's no romance in videogames? Ah, Valentine's Day. Thoughts of candy-hearts, chocolates, flowers, greeting cards, and Xbox 360 come to mind. If you're wondering what a gaming console has to do with this holiday, have an open heart and know that even video games can spark passion on and off the screen. For fun Valentine's Day fodder from the gaming world, Cupid can't match what's happening on Xbox 360 and Xbox Live.

For the Love of Lost Planet. Stuck at home without a date? Or maybe your new love is fighting large scary insects on a frozen planet? Join the pre-Valentine party on Saturday, February 10 and jump in front of the TV for a "Lost Planet" All-Nighter. Xbox Live is hosting Capcom's "Lost Planet: Extreme Condition" for all the insomniacs to join together pre-Valentine's Day to kick some Akrid a#% in the most lovingly way. Capcom is also giving away free swag to random gamers who write about their All-Nighter gaming experience in their recaps, explaining their favorite moments or what they loved about the session. For more information, visit .

Trade Piñatas with your Pals. And if you can't be with the one you love, well love the piñata you're with. Or trade it! The popular Xbox 360 game "Viva Piñata" has a special treat this Valentine's Day as "Viva Piñata" fans can create and trade piñatas with friends to share the piñata love. It's a great way to attract new inhabitants to your Piñata Island. More information can be found at . You must be a Level Six gardener to trade piñatas (that's when the Post Office appears), and you can only trade piñatas with people on your friends list.

Send a little Romance Dance for Valentine's Day. For heart-felt Valentine's Day greetings, romance dance-inspired "Viva Piñata" desktop wallpaper is available to create personal cards for friends and loved ones. Ever since "Viva Piñata" hit the Xbox 360 scene, the piñatas have shown off their romance dances -- fox-trotting, waltzing, break-dancing and more -- and stealing the hearts of kids, families, and hardcore gamers alike. The limited edition "Viva Piñata" wallpaper is available at . Cupid-Approved Coupling Sure to Create a Frenzy If "Viva Piñata" doesn't fix your Valentine's cravings, let go of that hand you're holding and grab a controller to play the new heart pumping Xbox 360 game "Fuzion Frenzy 2." Couples will love the friendly competition of "Fuzion Frenzy 2" with more than 40 light-hearted and addictively fun mini-games. Does your Girl have Game? Want to get your girl in the gaming mood this holiday and you don't quite know how? If your girl is not a gamer and you need some advice on how to convert her - be sure to visit and read Gamerspeak, she will be stealing your 360 controller in no time.

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