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  Circus Maximus: Chariot Wars Preview @ PlanetXbox
Time: 09:32 EST/14:32 GMT | News Source: Planet XBox | Posted By: Byron Hinson

The Xbox seems to have a fairly broad selection of current and upcoming racing games, the most notable probably being Project Gotham Racing and Mad Dash Racing. However, Encore Software and Kodiak Studios are set to introduce a new racer that couldn't be further removed from these others standard racers if it tried. Steeped in ancient Roman magnificence, Circus Maximus: Chariot Wars can best be described as a multiplayer cross between Ben-Hur and Road Rash all rolled into one action-packed Xbox package.

The guys from Encore stopped by the GameSpy office a few weeks ago and gave us the grand tour of Circus Maximus and following the visit we received the latest previewable code of the game. So how is this uniquely themed carnage-filled racer shaping up? Sharpen your double-handed axes, put on your silvery faceplates and prepare to do battle!

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