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  * Interesting Microsoft Fact of the Week
Time: 00:00 EST/05:00 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Robert Stein

"Our corporate offices consist of approximately 9.0 million square feet of office building space located in King County, Washington, of which 6.1 million square feet is corporate campus space situated on slightly more than 300 acres of land which is owned and approximately 2.9 million square feet which is leased. We are constructing one building with approximately 302,000 square feet of space that will be occupied in the second quarter of fiscal year 2004. To accommodate future expansion needs we purchased approximately 38 acres, and have an option to purchase approximately 112 additional acres, of land in Issaquah, Washington, which can accommodate 2.9 million square feet of additional office space. We own approximately 594,000 square feet of office building space domestically (outside of the Puget Sound corporate campus) and lease many sites domestically totaling approximately 3.4 million square feet of office building space.

We lease many sites internationally totaling approximately 5.4 million square feet, including our European Operations Center and localization division that leases a 411,000 square-foot campus in Dublin, Ireland, a 54,000 square-foot disk duplication facility in Humacao, Puerto Rico, and a 36,000 square-foot facility in Singapore for our Asia Pacific Operations Center. Leased office building space includes the following locations: Tokyo, Japan 343,000 square feet; Unterschleissheim, Germany 381,000 square feet; United Kingdom campus 242,000 square feet; Les Ulis, France 229,000 square feet; Vedbaek, Denmark 186,000 square feet; Mississauga, Canada 160,000 square feet; Taipei, Taiwan 116,000 square feet; Sydney, Australia 116,000 square feet; and Beijing, China 115,000 square feet. Our facilities are fully used for current operations of all segments and suitable additional space is available to accommodate expansion needs. "

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