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  One day after latest fix, Microsoft investigates new IE flaw
Time: 01:44 EST/06:44 GMT | News Source: Ars Technica | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

A day after releasing an out-of-band security bulletin for a vulnerability in Internet Explorer notably exploited in the recent series of Chinese-based attacks against Google and 30 other tech companies, new flaws have been discovered in Microsoft's browser.

Boston-based research firm Core Security Technologies has outlined a set of vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer that hackers can link together to remotely exploit a Windows PC. None of the vulnerabilities are serious enough to compromise a machine alone, but a hacker could take control of a PC by exploiting all of them at once. "There are three or four ways to conduct this type of attack," Jorge Luis Alvarez Medina, a security consultant with Core, told Reuters, though he admitted he was uncertain whether any hackers had already exploited his findings.

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