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  Remedy: Alan Wake demo unlikely
Time: 06:58 EST/11:58 GMT | News Source: Joystiq | Posted By: Brian Kvalheim

During an online community Q&A session held earlier this week, Remedy's Mika Reini dashed hopes for an Alan Wake demo before the game's launch. When asked whether or not the game would see a pre-release demo, Reini replied, "Demo before the launch, most likely not." Of course, that doesn't rule out the possibility of demo after the game's release, though Reini didn't imply that one was in the works. Reini also responded to a question regarding whether or not we'll see an Alan Wake collector's edition. He wouldn't confirm if a collector's edition is in the cards, and opted instead to cheekily suggest people keep an eye on the official Alan Wake forum. If Remedy isn't working on a collector's edition, allow us to make a suggestion: Just throw a high-powered flashlight in with the game. Bam, instant collector's edition -- and one that would really mess with the people who bought the Modern Warfare 2 special edition.

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