In part 1 we went over basic scripts and tools for gathering some generic information about virtual machines and in part 2 we went over VHD creation and WMI jobs. In part 3 I am going to cover getting more detailed information about a guest operating system by using the KVP Exchange integration component. KVP stands for Key Value Pair this is a service that runs in the guest operating system and allows some limited information to be passed from the guest to the host or parent and vice-verse. For now we are going to focus only on the intrinsic KVPs these are provided by default on virtual machines that have the integration components installed. The intrinsic KVPs include: FullyQualifiedDomainName, OsName, OsVersion, CSDVersion, OsMajorVersion, OsMinorVersion, OsBuildNumber, OsPlatformID, ServicePackMajor, SuiteMask, ProductType, ProcessorArhitecture.