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  HP Workers Against Compaq Merger in Poll
Time: 21:43 EST/02:43 GMT | News Source: Reuters | Posted By: Guillaume Hébert

Hewlett-Packard Co. workers objected to the Compaq Computer Corp. merger by a 2-to-1 margin in a survey released on Wednesday that was commissioned by the deal's opponents and which reached nearly the opposite conclusion of a similar poll by management. Financed by David W. Packard, a son of HP co-founder Dave Packard who opposes the $21 billion merger, the survey showed 63 percent of HP workers in Corvallis, Oregon, opposed the deal and 31 percent were for it. Another 6 percent had no opinion. Employees' attitudes are a crucial test of the deal and an emotional flash point, because HP prides itself on its community-style management, and worker opposition to the deal would make the integration of Compaq tougher to pull off.

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