Microsoft announced the launch of NFL Fever on Monday Night, a simulated
highlight reel that will appear every Thursday on previewing the upcoming Monday Night football game. Each
simulation will be played out in NFL Fever 2002 using the exact stadiums with
corrected rosters from each game.In the inaugural NFL Fever on Monday Night
contest, the Washington Redskins defeated their arch rival Dallas Cowboys 7 - 3
in a defensive struggle. The Redskins defense held the Cowboys to 111 yards of
total offense. NFL Fever 2002 is due out in stores with the launch of Xbox on
November 15th. The eagerly anticipated football game will feature motion capture
and football expertise from All-Pro Quarterback Peyton Manning, music from
Public Enemy's Chuck D and the hip-hop group N*E*R*D along with play-by-play
voices of NFL analysts Dick Stockton and Ron Pitts.
To check out this week's Redskins versus Cowboys simulated highlights visit NFL Fever 2002 is an Officially
Licensed Product of PLAYERS INC. The PLAYERS INC. logo is a registered trademark
of the NFL players. 2001 NFLP. Team names and logos are trademarks of the
teams indicated. All other (NFL-related marks) are trademarks of the National
Football League and NFL Properties. 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights
reserved.Xbox ( is
Microsofts future-generation video game system that delivers the most powerful
games experiences ever. Xbox empowers game artists by giving them the
technology to fulfill their creative visions as never before, creating games
that blur the lines between fantasy and reality. Xbox will be available in North
America on November 15, 2001 at the suggested retail price of $299.99.
*Reseller prices may vary.