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  Apple iTunes for Windows XP and Windows 2000 Launched
Time: 14:41 EST/19:41 GMT | News Source: ActiveMac | Posted By: Byron Hinson

Apple's Steve Jobs has just announced the Windows version of both iTunes and the excellent Apple music store have been launched. Along with a partnership with AOL, Apple hope to sell 100 million tunes a year. Jobs then went on to Compares it to WMP and MusicMatch. iTunes has full speed encoding, MP3 CDs, iPod compatible. Others are limited in features or prevent it altogehter. iTunes shares Music up to 3 computers via Rendezvous. The others don't. No upgrade costs for iTunes. Free. New iPods shipping as of today will ship with iTunes for both Mac and Windows. It is a 19mb download. It includes a new version of QuickTime 6.4

A new iTunes book store was also launched as a deal with Multiyear exclusive deal. Over 5000 books on iTunes. AOL users don't have to put in their Credit Card. They can enter their AOL ID and that's it, they buy a song. Jobs on the AOL Music Store "Going to put iTunes buttons next to every song/album on AOL's music site. Will launch iTunes and show the song/album"

You can mix and match your 3 authorized computers (Mac or PC). Also the music store has been enhanced, with better searching, Now can sort albums by album name, or best sellers on artist pages, or Original release dates. Full biography information has now been added.

Deal with Pepsi announced: Apple and Pepsi are giving away 100 million songs. Pepsi is going to make 300 million bottles with 1 in 3 a winner. Give away them all in a 60 day time period. Just enter the code from the cap and download your favorite song. Starts on Feb 1, 2004 at the Superbowl

New iPod accessories announced including a Belkin flash card reader, with up to 20,000 photo's that auto-sync with your iPod, and all dockable iPod's will do voice recordings which auto-sync with the new version of iTunes giving up to 640 hours of voice recording.

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