Noticed over on the Dungeon Siege website they have an update about the upcoming patch which takes the game to version 1.1. Here is what they had to say:
Hey Everyone, heres a quick note to let you guys know whats going on with the Dungeon Siege v1.1 update. We have the beta version of the v1.1 update almost ready for you and we should be all ready to hand it over next week.
This has been a learning process for us. You would not believe the amount of steps, checks, and double-checks we are going through to ensure that this beta is ready and easy to upgrade to. As always, we very much appreciate your patience with us as we work all the kinks out of the process here at GPG.
Also, the first lesson in Siege U 200 has been posted! Break out your favorite text editor and get ready to dive into templates! Follow the link on the right to Siege U and get busy!
Darren Baker
Community Coordinator