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  Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 Review (Xbox 360)
Time: 07:39 EST/12:39 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Brian Kvalheim

There’s simply no easier way to sell a sports game franchise than to slap a high-dollar cover athlete on the box. Electronic Arts, being the industry juggernaut that they are, has taken the athlete licensing game one step further in the golf arena. Instead of just locking up PGA licensing, they decided to lock up the most dominant player out there, and perhaps the most well known sports star in the world. Yes, Mr. Woods has his own game, and deservedly so. As with the rest of the EA Sports lineup, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 bears the same name as its last-gen Xbox release, but brings a bit of a different experience to the tee box. Boasting an upgraded graphics and physics, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 is looking to trump its last-gen sibling, and make gamers believe that with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06, it really is “in the game”. Let’s see what the next-gen holds in it for golf fans the world over...

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