The MSN division is housed several blocks away from the main Microsoft campus in Redmond, Washington at a place called Red West. The distance between Red West and the main campus has an interesting effect on both visitors and employees. Though it resembles the rest of Microsoft, and is indeed a part of Microsoft, it is also quite clearly a different place as well. The separation is not just physical, however. It's clear from my many talks with MSN folk that the division has a completely different vibe from its corporate parent. Part of it is the market that MSN plies. Unlike the slow-moving business market that much of Microsoft serves, MSN competes with fast-paced Internet companies and provides services for consumers that expect constant improvements. As a result, MSN is not hobbled by the hesitancy that grips the Windows and Office groups. And the place just seems more exciting as a result. These are people that get work done. And their customers see the results of that work almost immediately.