The law firm of Yost, Schafersman, Lamme, Hillis, Mitchell & Schulz, PC, counsel for a proposed class of Nebraska consumers, and Microsoft Corp. today jointly announced that a settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit alleging that Microsoft violated Nebraska’s antitrust and unfair competition laws.
The settlement, which received preliminary approval today from the District Court of Dodge County, Nebraska, will make vouchers available to class members that may be used to buy any manufacturer’s desktop, laptop and tablet computers, any software available for sale to the general public and used with those computer products, and specified peripheral devices for use with computers. The total amount of vouchers issued will depend on the number of class members who claim vouchers, and the maximum value of the vouchers that may be issued to class members will total $22.6 million. Members of the class submitting claims for up to five licenses will be able to do so by sworn declaration without documentation of proof of purchase.
Under the terms of the settlement agreement, Microsoft will provide one-half of the difference between $22.6 million and the value of vouchers issued to class members to eligible schools in Nebraska in the form of vouchers that may be used to purchase a broad range of hardware products, Microsoft® and non-Microsoft software, and professional development services that will benefit Nebraska schools. Eligible schools are public schools (K-12) in which at least 50% of the attending students are eligible to receive free or reduced price meals through the National School Lunch Program.