Between all the pitches and the promises, the cure-alls and the come-ons, spam is making it harder and harder to communicate via e-mail. But the technology industry is getting tough right back. Fed up with spam, some of the top providers of Internet services today are rallying against what's officially known as "unsolicited commercial e-mail" by joining forces to curb it.
Microsoft, AOL and Yahoo are in agreement that eradicating spam will require a collective, industry-wide approach. To learn more about this agreement and what's behind the effort, PressPass talked to two people at Microsoft who've been working actively on the anti-spam front: Brian Arbogast, corporate vice president in Microsoft's MSN and Personal Services Division (and the executive sponsor for the privacy pillar of the company's Trustworthy Computing initiative), and Ryan Hamlin, general manager of Microsoft's Anti-Spam Technology and Strategy Group.