Microsoft Corp. and the organizers of PASS 2001 North America are deeply
saddened by the horrific events that took place on Sept. 11, 2001. It is a
tragedy that certainly challenges everyone's ability to conduct their daily
lives for the next few weeks and will forever affect the way everyone feels
about the world around them.PASS, as a community, has no doubt been affected by
these events. In light of this extraordinary situation, along with its
logistical ramifications, Microsoft and PASS believe it is appropriate to
postpone PASS 2001 North America, which was to be held Sept. 19-22, 2001, in
Orlando, Fla. PASS members, registered attendees, speakers and exhibitors will
be notified as soon as a new date has been established for the event. All paid
registrations will be honored, in full, for the rescheduled event. Attendees for
PASS 2001 North America may also be eligible for penalty-free flight
rescheduling. This afternoon, Microsoft's conference site will include an FAQ
page of registration and travel information, which can be found at