Andre has just posted his review of Microsoft Visio Professional 2007. Here is an excerpt:
You are probably used to seeing and hearing that word associated with Office Excel, but Visio 2007 has added a visual dimension. To start using it, choose the Pivot Diagram template from the Visio Welcome Screen, after which a wizard will then begin called ‘Data Selector’, it will help you to choose the different data sources you would like to incoporate, options include Excel, Access, SQL Server, SharePoint list, OLE/DB or ODBC. Once the data has been selected it will be gathered into a single shape, displaying a sum total of all the rows in your data. If you want to make shapes relate better with information Pivot Diagrams gives you and other persons and easy way to define, search and communicate relevant data the way you want it. The ability to integrate and take advantage of Data Graphics is also a highlight that improves on how information further be presented in a graphically rich way.