Kieron Shorrock: We have been investigating public reports of possible problems on systems that have installed the Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (942615), released earlier this month. We have some information to share with you regarding the results of our investigation into these reports.
First, I want to note the security update does protect against the vulnerabilities noted in the bulletin. If you are not experiencing issues noted in the below referenced Knowledge Base article, no action is needed.
We have been working with a small number of customers that reported issues related to the installation of MS07-069. Specifically, on a Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)-based computer, Internet Explorer 6 may stop responding when you try to a visit a web site.
We’ve made an update to the Knowledge Base article for MS07-069, KB942615, which highlights the known issue.
We have also added the following known issue Knowledge Base article KB946627. Because this occurs in a customized installation, this isn’t a widespread issue.