XNA Game Studio Express enables hobbyists, academics and small, indie game developers to more easily create video games using new, optimized cross-platform gaming libraries based on .NET for Windows and Xbox 360. This beta release targets the development of games for Windows. The final version of XNA Game Studio Express will be available later this holiday season and will enable development of games which target Windows and upon purchase of an XNA Creators Club subscription, the Xbox 360 as well.
While we’re very proud of this Beta 2 milestone and it represents full functionality on Windows, it does not include the full feature set for developing, debugging and playing games on the Xbox 360. The features specific to the 360 console will become available upon the final release of XNA Game Studio Express later this holiday. This beta also does not include the additional starter kits and tutorials which will be made available upon final release of XNA Game Studio Express and/or as part of your XNA Creators Club subscription.