Onimusha is one of the PS2's best selling and most critically acclaimed
titles. It's also one that will be available to Xbox users come February 2002.
In addition to providing a couple of screens, Capcom filled the public in on
some new game features. GamePlay will be very similar to the PS2 version of the
game, including weapon levels and the like, but in combat, players will need to
hold down the attack button longer to power their sword up. No more charging
Marcellus with a fully charged sword. You have to hold back and wait. If you
don't hold the button in for a long enough period of time, you'll end up doing a
lesser level attack. Another change is the enemies' ability to suck up souls.
Much like your character, other creatures will gain strength by inhaling the
souls of their fallen comrades. Remember how big of a pain the floating skull
balls were? Now everybody can pull that crap. I guess Capcom figured it wasn't a
tough enough game. Thanks. Take a look at some Xbox Genma Onimusha screens.