Well it seems like everyone had their fingers crossed that Microsoft would finally put to rest a problem that has happened for a lot of users of Windows 2000 and Windows XP. With the release of Service Pack 1 due on September 9th, news had been coming through that Microsoft had put in a fix for the so called 60Hz refresh rate problem in games, this problem is basically that no matter what refresh rate you run your desktop at DirectX and OpenGL games would always default to 60Hz. The reasoning behind this was bizarre - Microsoft supposedly added it incase anyone set their refresh rates too high and their monitor couldn't handle it, but in theory - using the refresh rate that the user had set for his/her desktop would have been the best thing for DirectX and OpenGL games to check the refresh rate setting the user had.
So is there a fix included in Service Pack 1 for Windows XP? Well yes and no, the problem is indeed fixed in DirectX game titles, it now at last uses whatever refresh rate your desktop uses. But the problem remains in OpenGL games (wow, now there is a surprise Microsoft), so if you want to get rid of the 60Hz problem in OpenGL titles when Windows XP Service Pack 1 comes out - you will STILL need to download a program that fixes the problem.