Few news today to report, except for those of you who don't already know, the immediate availability of Nero Burning Rom for free download. This update fixes the following issues:
- Enable overburning for
Lite-on LTR-0841 (and compatible), FW >= MS13
Lite-on LTR-12101B (and compatible), FW >= LS18
Mitsumi CR-4805TE / CR-48x5TE
- Enabled CD-Text for Ricoh RW8080A and Mitsumi CR-4804TE
- Enlarged the timout for internet cd database access from 2 to 15 seconds.
- Bugfix: in some cases manually ejecting of source CD from some
CD-ROM/DVD drives failed after writing process
- Enable CD-Text writing for Toshiba SD-R1002 up from firmware version 1037
You can download the update right now by clicking here (4.1Mb).