“Shenmue II” is an epic adventure with all the elements of a great movie:
drama, mystery, suspense and action. It offers a unique game-playing experience
that seamlessly blends elements of action, adventure, fighting and role-playing
games. In “Shenmue II” players assume the role of Ryo Hazuki, a young man
dedicated to the task of tracking his father’s murderer and unlocking the
mysteries of the Phoenix Mirror. “Shenmue II” continues where “Shenmue I” left
off, bringing Ryo to Hong Kong with many unanswered questions as he follows the
trail of Lan Di, the man who killed his father.
You can read the rest of the Fact Sheet by clicking on the headline above
Mean while Microsoft have sent over 2 screenshots of the upcoming game,
Shenmue II. You can
download the Screenshot Pack. The screenshot pack is 235 kb.