Hi guys,
The back end - with every front end and marketing tool you could imagine, was completed and has benefitted Awin most substantively many, many months ago. As promised, I would create a "platform" that would reward Awin regularly, and inclusive of the FREE hardware, managed hosting with every service possible (Exchange, on/off-site backup, security - down to the DB/Apps packet level to prevent the slaughter the site was seeing) continue to be provided at not cost. I invest over $5000.00 of my own money in the site each and every month. It's people have benefitted substantively.
I did all this work first, so the site, irrespective of direct revenue, WOULD HAVE recurring revenue each month from sources based upon the platform (Libertech's Sovereign).
Sadly, before using it to complete Awin's new front end, I was diagnosed with cancer. Worse, the first chemo failed and I began to slip rapidly. Happily, a combination of a new chemo based upon gene splicing and radiation have been working - though I am very weak and extremely tired, it does appear that I will survive and in some months, recover fully.
I deeply appreciate your sentiments and best wishes, which I want to extend to each of you. The illness left me with some tough choices: focus my remaining energy to accelerating the training of my men in the event I passed - the company goes to them, which if you knew me, you would know is entirely consistent with who I am. I have never lost an employee and trust and challenge them as much as I love each of them. Old men who are really sick get to say that sort of stuff from the heart, because we no longer worry that others will think less of us.
Best to all and see you, soon.