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  So did Windows Phone 7 'bomb in US'?
Time: 08:30 EST/13:30 GMT | News Source: The Register | Posted By: Chris Hedlund

The Windows 7 phone seems to have met with a lukewarm reception in the United States. Despite the huge amount of promotional activity and media seeding, Microsoft only shifted 40,000 handsets in the first day of sales in the US, according to unnamed sources supplying unverified data. is quoting that figure from an unnamed analyst, which News Factor quickly picked up and compared with the 600,000 iPhone 4's which were pre-ordered on day one, and the 200,000 Android handsets that Google reckons get activated every day.

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#1 By 15406 ( at 11/11/2010 8:53:15 AM
Microsoft fumbled the ball on mobile so much and so often that nobody thinks of Windows Phone. Everyone I know either has an iPhone, Blackberry or Android-based phone, or are thinking of getting one. I don't know anyone who personally uses a Windows-based phone or plans to. The 40,000 phones moved were probably the Dell switch from Blackberry ;) I suspect that the only people who care about Windows Phone are Windows fanboys.

Finally, if the launch went well, MS would be crowing from the rooftops about how well it did. The fact that they can't even cook some numbers and put lipstick on the pig is very telling.

#2 By 146195 ( at 11/11/2010 10:59:15 AM
Probably has more to do with the crappy hardware choices. Let's get this OS on updated versions of some of the GOOD phones we have right now, then maybe we'll see what we see......

#3 By 7754 ( at 11/11/2010 11:27:37 AM
It would help if Microsoft pushed the in-store experience a little better. AT&T wasn't bad, but T-Mobile was a disaster. I went by the store, and they didn't even have a device on display--they took it out from a cabinet behind the counter. Pretty hard to sell them when you don't even let customers know you have them. Plus, the device had plastic straps over it so you couldn't even test the touchscreen well. Testing the touchscreen keyboard was impossible.

BTW, AT&T had sold out of all the Samsung Focus devices. The HTC option from AT&T and T-Mobile both paled in comparison to the Samsung. Give it some time.

The lack of on-device storage encryption is inexcusable from Microsoft, though, and makes it a non-starter for most Exchange shops. I understand the push to "consumerize" the phone, but I think they'd have much stronger immediate success if they made a very consumer-friendly device that takes on RIM in the business world. That market is ripe for a takeover, and they are in a better position than anyone to do it. By paying relatively little attention to the business features, they picked a much steeper hill to climb. If nothing else, they have to address the encryption issues ASAP.

#4 By 15406 ( at 11/11/2010 12:00:08 PM
#3: It's been said before, but if MS is going to show up late with their *serious* competitive offering (Kin doesn't count), they had better be ahead of the curve. Instead, they're bringing a phone with 1st gen features into a 3rd-4th gen market. No cut & paste? No multi-task except for MS apps (what's the bogus rationalization for THAT decision??)?? No encrypted Exchange support?!?!?! Even the iPhone has that, FFS.

RIM in the business world. That market is ripe for a takeover...

Um, what? While it's a secret to no one that Blackberrys aren't the sexiest consumer phone around, nobody caters to the enterprise like RIM does (yet), and they have a decade head-start.

#5 By 155468 ( at 11/11/2010 1:13:42 PM
I get the impression that MS is treating this like a beta! "lets release and see what happens and try to change it accordingly". So by version 2 or 3 it will be truly ready for prime time.

How else can you explain the shortage of devices? OEMs know that MS won't get serious until V2 or 3 so why should they waste time? HTC is making a killing from Android and that is where they are focused.

#4, you are right about MS competing against 3rd gen with 1st gen features.

I suspect that Windows 8 and WP version 3+ will be great together. Until then save your money and get an Iphone.

Here is a feature that I would like to FaceTime:

On WP7 (when they have a front facing camera) on contact I click video call, it then promts the receiver to accept and launch a Video Messenger.

also I should abe ble to call a phone #, if both parties have a WP7 then a Video Messenger option is displayed.

why doesn't all WP7 support video messenger? I cl

#6 By 155468 ( at 11/11/2010 1:13:53 PM

This post was edited by Darth_Lord on Thursday, November 11, 2010 at 19:26.

#7 By 7754 ( at 11/11/2010 1:28:59 PM
#4--actually, they support pause/resume at this point, which I think is sufficient for most apps. I understand the reasoning there--multitasking on a phone has different implications than on a desktop. Apple delayed MT for a long time for the same reason. Copy/Paste is pretty big (a necessity for Activewin--just got burned again, but thankfully I copied first!), but that's coming very soon (much sooner than it took to get on the iPhone, and it didn't stop that from becoming popular). Exchange traffic is encrypted, but there's no storage encryption (though it does have per-app encryption support... use it, Microsoft!!). For as fast as they shipped it, it's very impressive. It falls behind the competition in many areas today, but so did those platforms when they first shipped. Granted, they are entering a much hotter market than when the iPhone first shipped. If they had multiplayer XBox support (though I think 3G latency would be problematic) and ZunePass included with the service agreement, I think they'd look significantly better in the face of their very strong consumer market competition.

What you are saying about RIM is exactly my point--RIM does enterprise best, better than the iPhone by miles and better than Android by lightyears. They're great for security and for IT, but end users are pushing hard for iPhones and Android--to the point where many businesses just caved and let them in despite the huge security issues. Microsoft is already a big enterprise player--in fact, it's their own EAS that makes iPhone and Android a possibility for most businesses. They are in a great position to offer the enterprise functionality IT and businesses want and need, in a device that end users actually want. I think they're so focused on the hotly-contested consumer market that they are missing out on the huge opportunity in the business market. They should have the best back-office story, the best Office clients (they are still way too limited; there's no reason in this world they should be beat by Documents to Go!), the best manageability story, and at least a competitive security story (seriously, storage encryption is NOT OPTIONAL, Microsoft!). Hopefully that's coming....

#8 By 20505 ( at 11/11/2010 2:21:27 PM
You gents are too techie.

Phone 7 doesn't have the hype machine that Apple has and doesn't have the track record on cell phones that Android has. This combined with cell phones on the two lousiest cell phone carriers equals poor sales. If they had released this on Verizon they would have had a bigger hit (probably would still be bad vis a vis Apple/Google). Moreover by the time they get a CDMA phone out the door Apple will have beat them to the punch again.

MS has an x-factor that should not be discounted. They are in it for the long run and can underwrite the OS long enough for it to gain traction in the market place which it most assuredly will.

In the end there will be three smart-phone platforms Android, AppleOS and MSphone. As stated before RIM/Palm/Symbion and the rest are lame in the water with the great whites circling.

#9 By 8556 ( at 11/11/2010 2:32:33 PM
#8: Mid year market share chart at Wikipedia show Symbian having a greater market share than RIM and Apple combined.

#10 By 1896 ( at 11/11/2010 3:05:27 PM
Worldwide the new Nokia N8 is selling very well; granted they keep loosing market against Android but they are still the first.

WP7: I got a HD7 and the OS has a great potential; will MS be able to exploit it? I hope so but as it is right now it does not fit my needs and I am going back to my HD2/WM 6.5.

This post was edited by Fritzly on Thursday, November 11, 2010 at 15:05.

#11 By 12071 ( at 11/11/2010 11:03:24 PM
All the reasons above are valid... but there's one other issue that for some reason people are skipping over... it's the hideous aqua blue squares that are highlighted as a "modern UI". Fat aqua squares are as modern as Windows 2.0 - the UI is just plain ugly and looks like it was developed for fat fingered people.

#12 By 15406 ( at 11/12/2010 7:50:32 AM
#11: ooks like it was developed for fat fingered people.

Perfect for the US market, then.

#13 By 7754 ( at 11/12/2010 11:42:48 AM
#11: from screenshots, I'd agree about the appearance... well, I wouldn't call it "hideous," but not instantly appealing with the current trend of gradients and translucency everywhere. But have you tried one in person? The screenshots really don't do it justice--the UI is very polished and a joy to use, and looks much more sophisticated than the flat, static 2D screenshots you see posted online. I'd compare it to something like one of those dishes that when you first see it, you don't say "wow!", but as you eat bite after bite, it gets better and better.

#14 By 20505 ( at 11/12/2010 6:25:11 PM

Symbion will be abandoned soon enough by developers. It's just a matter of time. Still it is likely that it will live on without much updating for many years in underpowered "dumb-phones”.

No money in Symbion means end of the line. Just ask Apple or Nokia for that matter. Face it, smartphones make money. Smartphones make money for Google by driving people to YouTube and search adverts, they make money for MS on the OS and they make money for Apple on hardware. And not to leave out the carriers they love these things. Smartphones are a cash cow.

Don't be surprised if in the next several years "dumb-phones" are only available on pay-as-you-go plans. Heck the shake-up at Nokia is they have no plan for the lucrative smartphone market moving forward. Look for Nokia and RIM to be swallowed soon.

#15 By 13997 ( at 11/13/2010 10:38:28 PM

Really? You think it is just blue tiles? I think you need to actually use one. The tiles are live, so a static picture of the UI is a bit misleading. There is no reason that in the year 2010 we should have devices still using UI concepts like a massive grid of Icons that over 25 years old.

It was just a couple of weeks ago people in another forum were complaining because of the animations and transitions that were too 'fancy/flashy/pretty'.

It was obvious they never touched the device either.

#16 By 2960 ( at 11/14/2010 2:05:03 AM
They seem to have sold one to every actor in the US, because the in-show product placement for these things is unprecedented.

#17 By 15406 ( at 11/15/2010 9:29:34 AM
#16: because the in-show product placement for these things is unprecedented.

Once again, MS follows Apple's lead.

#18 By 28801 ( at 11/16/2010 6:24:47 AM
#17: Wow, Apple invented product placement? Jobs is a genius!

#19 By 15406 ( at 11/16/2010 7:38:31 AM
#18: I never said Apple invented it, but they are notorious for product placement in TV and movies. MS is then said to be following their lead. It's a joke in that I'm making a humourous juxtaposition between the Windows fanboys who deny that MS takes cues from Apple, and the reality that MS, in this context, does exactly that.

I can drill down on the definition of humour if you think it's required.

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