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  Latest Microsoft Patches Cause Black Screen of Death
Time: 15:35 EST/20:35 GMT | News Source: PC World | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

Microsoft's latest round of security patches appears to be causing some PCs to seize up and display a black screen, rending the computer useless.

The problem affects Microsoft products including Windows 7, Vista and XP operating systems, said Mel Morris , the CEO and CTO for the U.K. security company Prevx.

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#1 By 7711 ( at 11/30/2009 6:37:54 PM
Last month's Patch Tuesday killed all of my high school's HP 2600n laserjet printers for Windows printing....Mac's still print fine...they worked Tuesday, didn't work Wednesday...our IT guy is close to an exorcism...

#2 By 15406 ( at 11/30/2009 7:33:18 PM
Must be the hardware.

#3 By 1169 ( at 12/1/2009 12:27:15 AM
This is appears that the issue happens to those that use Prevx software. This is not a windows issue, it is a badly written software issue; Prevx's. The AV fails to load on booting, hence the black screen.

#4 By 143 ( at 12/1/2009 2:50:36 AM
Microsoft Security Essentials hasn't given me any issues to date. :)

#5 By 9589 ( at 12/1/2009 5:43:22 AM
Another unique way to sell your product. Crash the OS and blame the OS maker . . .

The year of Prevx!

#6 By 23275 ( at 12/1/2009 9:16:12 AM
For Prevx users with this problem:

1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc on the keyboard to bring up Task Manager.

2. Click File then New Task (Run)

3. Type explorer.exe and then press enter

Restore the computer to a point prior to installing prior to installing MS09-065.

Uninstall Prevx, or contact the vendor for the software update they have provided and then re-patch. This is not a Windows issue and Prevx software impacts nearly all Windows versions.

#7 By 15406 ( at 12/1/2009 2:06:26 PM
#6: This is not a Windows issue and Prevx software impacts nearly all Windows versions.

From what I've been reading, this is most certainly a Windows issue or at least a Microsoft issue. It's not just Prevx users affected, and blaming Prevx will give people who don't use Prevx a false sense of security. Users of other security software are reporting the problem after installing that MS patch. The patch supposedly changed the ACL for some critical registry keys, and that change made some third-party security software puke.

So, to recap, Microsoft makes changes to Windows that borks more than one third-party security product. MS caused the problem to begin with, and I should hope they had a very good reason to make those changes. It will be up to the individual apps to work around the changes.

#8 By 1169 ( at 12/1/2009 2:27:52 PM
Latch, OK, what other instances are there without the Prevx software installed? all the news items and reports I have read pertain to Prevx, please point us to some that detailed other software.


#9 By 15406 ( at 12/1/2009 3:07:38 PM
#8: The Prevx blog mentions that their fix will help fix the problem for anyone "running any security program (including Prevx)", and posters on Slashdot mentioned they've seen the problem with Avira and AVG. In all of the news about it I've seen, nothing has said that the common factor was Prevx. Nobody is blaming Prevx in any way that I can see. Prevx offers a solution but I don't see anywhere where Prevx is listed as the cause of the problem.

Let me flip this on its head. Do you have any tangible evidence to suggest that this *is* Prevx's problem?

Update: MS has now said that they have investigated the patches and none of them make the registry changes in question. This is starting to get interesting, like a good whodunit. If MS is correct, then Prevx has been extremely reckless and sloppy with their analysis. How hard can it be to diff the registry before and after the patch?

This post was edited by Latch on Tuesday, December 01, 2009 at 18:00.

#10 By 263440 ( at 12/1/2009 6:01:47 PM
@Latch, as usual you are being a little too quick to lay the blame on MS.

Prevx have actually apologised to MS as it an issue with malware and Prevx, totally unrelated to any MS updates.

This post was edited by biscuit on Tuesday, December 01, 2009 at 18:03.

#11 By 15406 ( at 12/1/2009 6:13:39 PM
#10: Thanks for the link. I gave my opinion based on information available at the time, with the assumption that Prevx was competent. They've been around for a few years and I hadn't heard anything bad about them before. I'm surprised their mea culpa was a sentence at the bottom of the post. If I was in charge of that lab, I would have been absolutely mortified at the false accusation and apologized accordingly.

#12 By 13997 ( at 12/1/2009 7:29:26 PM

Your opinion and accuracy are sadly always this unreilable.

As I suggested before, maybe you could refrain from commenting on things you do not understand or have first hand knowledge about in the future.

Just saying...

PS - Re: "If I was in charge of that lab, I would have been absolutely mortified at the false accusation and apologized accordingly. "

Well you are not in charge of the lab, yet made ignorant and damaging comments based on no personal insight or information, why do you just offer excuses for your 'anti-MS guessing' instead of an actual apology here yourself?

Again, just saying...

#13 By 15406 ( at 12/1/2009 8:27:49 PM
#12: maybe you could refrain from commenting on things you do not understand or have first hand knowledge about in the future.

Oh get off it. Most posts here are reactions to news that none of us have direct, first-hand knowledge of. Nobody should post here unless they personally had the BSoD or were in Prevx's lab during their testing? Why are you posting here? Do you have first-hand knowledge of the issue? You should call up Prevx and tell them what's going on and save them some time and effort.

Well you are not in charge of the lab, yet made ignorant and damaging comments based on no personal insight or information, why do you just offer excuses for your 'anti-MS guessing' instead of an actual apology here yourself?

My opinion was based on MS's previous history of dodgy patches and Prevx's credibility and the true cause of the BSoDs (which should be the real issue and not the sideshow of Prevx's false accusation) is yet to be determined, so you'll have to wait for your bouquet of flowers.

#14 By 13997 ( at 12/2/2009 10:54:02 AM
#13 "Most posts here are reactions to news that none of us have direct, first-hand knowledge of Nobody should post here unless they personally had the BSoD or were in Prevx's lab during their testing?"

So because the bar of 'comments' is low you join in with factless opinion and bashing for what reason?

"Everyone does it," just doesn't cut it sometimes...

I tend to stay away if I don't have information or 'facts' to add to the discussion. Notice how 'few' my posts are, and have been here as long as you posting, if not longer.

As for the 'high bar' you suggest for posting, it is also rather incorrect, as there are people like myself and a few others that were vocal on other sites about this when the news first hit and we are not in Prevx's lab, but do have knowledge on the subject.

It was obvious that by technical definition, Prevx was off track, as the BSoDs were not related to the updates, as we could test the ACLs were NOT CHANGED ourselves. We could also test to see that Prevx software was injecting itself into the OS on levels it had no business being involved with.

We didn't have to be in their lab, some of us have tech teams and our own labs. (Remember the crack team you like to make fun of?)

Security software monkeying with stuff they should not be touching in the first place should have been the first hint that the story might be off track for any reasonable technically minded person or journalist.

"My opinion was based on MS's previous history of dodgy patches"

Again, this is less than factual, as it has been years since patches from Microsoft have had systemic issues or problems with updates. Are you confusing them with Apple's from the past year, as the problems have not been Windows or Microsoft when it comes to updates. This is just more anti-MS trolling.


Basically, even in your further excuses you are still reaching to bash Microsoft, and even doing so with unfactual information that can't even be seen as opinion or ignorance.

Sad, and I almost feel sorry for you that you let a belief system about Microsoft and Windows control your life by insighting such emotion.

Not to be mean or even tongue in cheek - you seriously would do yourself a favor to step back and see that you have a belief system that may not be based on reality and may even be creating emotional harm for yourself. These beliefs are passively controlling parts of your life even if they 'just' insight you to write comments and post about them.

Even after stepping back and you want to still hate Microsoft, great, but stop giving them any power in your life, seriously, are they really worth it?

This post was edited by thenetavenger on Wednesday, December 02, 2009 at 10:55.

#15 By 15406 ( at 12/2/2009 11:37:10 AM
#14: So because the bar of 'comments' is low you join in with factless opinion and bashing for what reason?

I like to keep you guessing.

"Everyone does it," just doesn't cut it sometimes...

Yet you only seem to have a problem when I do it. Funny, that. I also note you didn't call out Ketchum for an apology after he besmirched Prevx's good name by implying that they are the cause of the problem. That's equally as funny.

I tend to stay away if I don't have information or 'facts' to add to the discussion. Notice how 'few' my posts are, and have been here as long as you posting, if not longer.

Good for you.

As for the 'high bar' you suggest for posting, it is also rather incorrect, as there are people like myself and a few others that were vocal on other sites about this when the news first hit and we are not in Prevx's lab, but do have knowledge on the subject.

First-hand knowledge? Because that's the kind that you need to have to pass your own silly test.

It was obvious that by technical definition, Prevx was off track, as the BSoDs were not related to the updates

How do you know this? You've personally analyzed the patches in question? If not, you have no business posting here.

we could test the ACLs were NOT CHANGED

Did you perform such a test? If not, you have no business posting here.

We could also test to see that Prevx software was injecting itself into the OS on levels it had no business being involved with.

You did this, too? If not, you have no business posting here.

We didn't have to be in their lab, some of us have tech teams and our own labs.

And your crack team did all these test and confirmed MS's findings? If not, you... well, you get the picture.

Again, this is less than factual, as it has been years since patches

What? You're saying that, because it's been a few years since MS's last bomb patch, that it's impossible for it to have happened again? Really? I have a long memory, and the fact that some time has elapsed since their last bomb means absolutely nothing from a statistical point of view. MS has had several bogus patches over the years, and that makes them issuing another bogus patch plausible.

Basically, even in your further excuses you are still reaching to bash Microsoft, and even doing so with unfactual information that can't even be seen as opinion or ignorance.

The fact remains that a lot of people are having this problem, and a lot of it seemed to start around the middle of November. Make of that what you will. That is the real issue, like I said last night, that Win7 is a few months old and MS has a BSoD problem right before the holidays.

Sad, and I almost feel sorry for you that you let a belief system about Microsoft and Windows control your life by insighting such emotion.

Aww, don't be sad. Turn that frown upside down! 8) btw it's 'inciting'. Too bad IE doesn't have a spell-checker. Oh well, maybe in IE9. Anyway, I was just thinking the same thing about you. It must be awfully tiring, having to constantly spring to Microsoft's defense against any charges. Considering their constant shenanigans, you must be very busy.

Even after stepping back and you want to still hate Microsoft, great, but stop giving them any power in your life, seriously, are they really worth it?

Who said anything about hate? Hate is such a strong word. I dislike their business practices and some of their products. No hate there. I also dislike MS toadies that try oh so hard to buff the MS turd, and assume that everyone is too stupid to see through their patently transparent motivations.

#16 By 17855 ( at 12/2/2009 12:57:56 PM
This is an open forum and everyones point of view, opinion and knowledge are valuable tools we can all use.

2 cents

#17 By 23275 ( at 12/2/2009 1:01:01 PM

What exactly about what I posted was inaccurate - at ANY time during this event?

What I posted, and based upon a clear understanding of the facts, was proved to be true and is now understood to have been true all along.

Stop dragging me into your mess. Avenger's smacking you around well enough on his very capable own and does not need my help - unless you just want a beating in stereo for some odd reason <kidding, of course... so smille and have a coke, or whatever beverage you like :) >

This post was edited by lketchum on Wednesday, December 02, 2009 at 13:01.

#18 By 15406 ( at 12/2/2009 2:01:36 PM
#17: What exactly about what I posted was inaccurate - at ANY time during this event?

I never said you were inaccurate. I said that you implied that this was Prevx's problem, or at least your post makes it appear that it affects only Prevx users. Then there's the fact that you said to roll back your system to before MS09-065 when the patch supposedly has nothing to do with it. The only real fact in all this is that people are having problems and nobody really knows what the cause is.

Stop dragging me into your mess.

Sorry, I needed to use you as a useful example of a double-standard.

Avenger's smacking you around well enough on his very capable own and does not need my help

Is he now? He seems to be trying his best. All that comes through is hypocrisy and double-standards. What he lacks in debating skills he makes up for in tenacity and anger.

unless you just want a beating in stereo for some odd reason <kidding, of course...

Bring it on. Just promise me that, when I catch you (and you know I will), you won't use the old "business trip" excuse to disappear for a few days.

so smille and have a coke, or whatever beverage you like :) >

I don't drink coffee or tea, but you're spot-on with the Coke. One can from 8:30am-12:00pm, and one can from 12:00pm-5:00pm. Yes, I like warm Coke. It's 2:45pm my time and I'm about halfway done my 12pm can.

#19 By 23275 ( at 12/3/2009 12:26:44 AM
actually, as reported, ONLY Prevx users were affected after MS09-065 in this specific context and that has been published.

and when I am away, I am away and report that accurately, too. Last time was to deploy a new network in PA for a great company that we've recently begun to support. If I need a break from the debate, I'll say so and why and move on for awhile.

Whatever I post here, is accurate and sincere.

#20 By 23275 ( at 12/3/2009 7:55:57 AM
Please also see: Ed Bott nails this one really well.

Finally, on Tuesday evening, Prevx backs down completely from the story, publishing a formal retraction and apologizing to Microsoft. Another follow-up post the next day from Prevx CEO and CTO Mel Morris tries to deny any responsibility for the damage. He includes this hilarious bit of understatement: “Regrettably, it is clear that our original blog post has been taken out of context and may have caused an inconvenience for Microsoft.”;col1

#21 By 15406 ( at 12/3/2009 3:50:31 PM
#20: I generally don't read Ed Bott because I believe he's sold his soul to Redmond in exchange for access and the Windows celebrity blog status that comes with it, he does put it about as succinctly as possible.

#22 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 8:56:29 AM

#23 By 4240821 ( at 10/30/2023 5:28:03 PM

#24 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 8:50:11 AM

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 5:32:50 PM

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