#7. You're right. However, W2K8 R2 is still a RC. I agree that there is a considerable difference between Quick Migration and Live Migration. Live Migration has attributes similar to VMmotion.
I look forward to test driving it once it RTMs. Also, using Microsoft System Center, you can manage and monitor the server from the hardware to the application. System Center provides load analysis recommending where you can move server workloads to get the best performance. All of this at about 1/5 the cost.
Having said the above, our IT division is like most enterprise level IT divisions, it is slow to change especially if it ain't broke/it don't need fix'n. So, having come late to the party, Microsoft will have some hard sledging to get this product to displace VM where it is already installed including where I work. Where the two companies products are being evaluated for the first time, Microsoft may have the edge.