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  Microsoft's latest ad: iTunes and the iPod are crazy expensive
Time: 01:22 EST/06:22 GMT | News Source: Engadget | Posted By: Byron Hinson

We've been wondering when we'd see the next Laptop Hunters ad from Microsoft, but it looks like the company's throwing a change-up: its latest 30-second spot features Wes Moss, Certified Financial Planner, explaining that iTunes "costs a lot" while Zune Pass "costs a little." The argument, of course, is that at a buck a song (or more), filling up your iPod costs way more than the $15 / month cost of the Zune subscription service, but we've got a feeling that Wes just won't convince as many people as Lauren and Giampaulo -- while we certainly think Zune Pass is a great deal, especially with the 10 free tracks a month now included, most people have plenty of music from all kinds of sources already, and an additional monthly bill in the current economy doesn't seem all too appealing. Plus, well, this argument has never really worked for services like Yahoo and Rhapsody in the past, so we're not sure it's going to work now. But that's just us -- we're sure you've got your own opinions, so check out the vid after the break and sound off.

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#1 By 2960 ( at 5/12/2009 8:32:09 AM
Wow, how sad... Such grasping at straws...

#2 By 89249 ( at 5/12/2009 10:13:42 AM
Yea TL, it is pretty sad. I hadn't checked in a while so I did some searching yesterday to see what the status of Windows Mobile 7 was currently. Found out they punted to release 6.5 this year and WM7 won't be out on devices till X-Mas 2010 if we're lucky. I can't believe it has taken them this long to respond to the iPhone. I'm due to get into a new phone and it will most likely be an iPhone now. Just gonna have to find a way to completely avoid itunes :(

Tbh I'm wondering if its the lack of Bill Gates outbursts that's been allowing MS to fall behind in a few of the area's that they've fallen behind on. Between this and IE I can't imagine BillG wouldn't be making heads roll.

#3 By 15406 ( at 5/12/2009 10:39:24 AM
#2: I'm due to get into a new phone and it will most likely be an iPhone now.

I don't know, that sounds pretty risky. I've heard from experts in these very forums that you should buy everything you can from Microsoft. If you buy an iPhone, not only will you not use it (not even to make phone calls -- that's how badly they suck), but you'll also start wistfully wishing you had bought a Zune just like everyone around you (available in any one of five shades of brown.) And you'll have goats in your bathtub. Communist goats. True story.

#4 By 3 ( at 5/12/2009 12:21:23 PM
Considering I know a load of MS staffers in America who prefer iPhones over the Win Mob at the moment go for it!

#5 By 92283 ( at 5/12/2009 12:27:06 PM
I have to admit the pro-iTunes argument that stealing music is cheaper than the Zune Pass is a convincing one.

#6 By 3 ( at 5/12/2009 1:01:47 PM
Or the lose all your music when MS shut down the service being the more likely convincing one!

#7 By 15406 ( at 5/12/2009 1:05:21 PM
#6: MS would never do such a thing. I know I've heard that some company named MSN shut down their music store and all their users were left holding the bag, but Microsoft would never do that.

#8 By 3 ( at 5/12/2009 1:07:50 PM

#9 By 92283 ( at 5/12/2009 1:10:37 PM
"Or the lose all your music..."

Thats kind of like suggesting you lose all your TV shows if you switch cable TV or satellite TV providers.

A Zune Pass is like renting TV via cable.

#10 By 3 ( at 5/12/2009 1:44:38 PM
Yet you'll critise those who actually like buying and owning music - obviously because that is what they do with iTunes, yet if they do the same with Zune you'll then praise it. Sorry I like buying music, be it CD, though iTunes or whatever - I like to own it but thats just me, I like to copy it to CD to listen in the car, something you can't do with Zune Pass - but its by MS so it must be like a gift pass from god.

#11 By 15406 ( at 5/12/2009 2:26:19 PM
#9: Thats kind of like suggesting you lose all your TV shows if you switch cable TV or satellite TV providers.

What a perfect analogy. Except you're missing one or two key points:

1. The cable co won't forcibly delete everything on my PVR if I cancel their service,

2. The cable co isn't likely to decide to shut down operations a year or two from now and forcibly delete everything on my PVR

I know these points were just oversights on your part, and not some effort to downplay the stunningly obvious drawbacks to such a service.

#12 By 45754 ( at 5/12/2009 2:35:27 PM
Perhaps it would help, if MS actually starts selling the Zune in the same countries as where the ipod is selled. Still no Zune here in the Netherlands.

#13 By 89249 ( at 5/12/2009 2:36:21 PM
I actually think the blackberry is still the best all around phone at this point. To me it is going to be a tough choice. The only reason I'd choose an iPhone is simple for the touch screen.

As far as not buying something produced by MS. I'm fairly certain I've ventured away from Microsoft plenty of times when the product I could use is superior. I'm sure, Latch, your bias has never kept you from using an MS product when it was superior.

As far as buying and "owning" the music. I will always perfer all you can eat monthly subscriptions over purchasing music. Frankly I can't believe how much money people shell out for crap on iTunes (although now it is better that they are non-drm mp3's). I guess when you're just clicking on something to increment a number on some statement somewhere its easy to blow thousands of dollars. Peoples obsession with Music lately has baffled me in general but to each their own.

#14 By 15406 ( at 5/12/2009 2:46:47 PM
#13: I actually think the blackberry is still the best all around phone at this point.

Get a BB Storm if touch is your thing. I have a Bold and I'm happy enough with it. A friend has a Storm and he always has gunk all over his screen from his greasy thumbs.

I'm sure, Latch, your bias has never kept you from using an MS product when it was superior.

MS makes some good stuff. They also make some stinkers. My 'bias' against MS is more about their unethical business practices than their products (although I can rant with the best of them on particular MS objects of scorn.) I also have a problem with various MS apologists here that are forever telling everyone that everything MS makes or does is perfection embodied. Those people amuse me, they have no objective credibility and I enjoy baiting them as much as possible.

#15 By 16797 ( at 5/12/2009 3:03:39 PM
Interesting comment there on neowin:

"So, Zune Pass allows you to download unlimited songs with DRM for 3PC's. And 10 no DRM songs per month. And those unlimited songs will not play if you end your subscription.

So for $10 yo get 10 songs, and for $5 you get unlimited songs with drm."

#16 By 92283 ( at 5/12/2009 4:45:28 PM
"The cable co won't forcibly delete everything on my PVR if I cancel their service"

But if you rent your PVR they will want it back.

And of course a TIVO without a program guide is a boat anchor. Not so a Zune.

And from what I understand, if you cancel a TIVO based PVR service, you cannot watch the programs. I don't know about other PVR's.

"7. Your TiVo DVR Won't Work Without the TiVo Service! A subscription to the TiVo service is required in order for your TiVo DVR to have any functionality. No functionality is represented or should be expected from the TiVo DVR without a paid subscription to the TiVo service."

Yes yes I know. You hate Microsoft Byron. Blah blah blah.

#17 By 143 ( at 5/12/2009 5:01:19 PM
I use a virgin mobile and pay only $20.00 every three months. "love it" 8)

#18 By 92283 ( at 5/12/2009 5:06:38 PM
#15 I suspect this discussion is more about how iPeople think it is cool to spend thousands of dollars more for their Mac and their music than if they had bought a PC and a Zune.

Inexpensive stuff just ain't "cool" to them.

They have to rant and rave to justify their payment of the Apple Tax.

#19 By 3 ( at 5/12/2009 5:27:34 PM
No its about how PC and Mac users prefer to spend their money on music rather than on subscription services. You dislike Apple, Mac's people who buy macs, iphones etc blah blah blah - change the record, its gotten scratched ;o)

This post was edited by Byron_Hinson[AW] on Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 17:31.

#20 By 9589 ( at 5/12/2009 5:54:51 PM
I prefer Pandora Internet Radio over the above choices, but that's just me. A computer or a cell phone with Internet capability does it. It's free.

I use my Zune to listen to tech stuff while running or at the gym. My car and truck both have a music player jack so that I can plug in my Zune when on the road.

If I like a song, I usually just buy the CD-ROM. Then, its mine and I can copy it to a computer hard drive or whatever so that I can play it where and when I want. In fact, all of the music CD-ROMs are in a several CD-ROM cases that rarely get used. They have already been transferred to a computer.

Listening to Southern Cross by Crosby, Stills and Nash on Pandora while I write this . . .

#21 By 20505 ( at 5/12/2009 6:38:25 PM

Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand current copyright laws, no consumer "owns" any content. As a purchaser you are essentially renting the use of the material whose "fair use" is subject to interpretation and change.

#22 By 92283 ( at 5/12/2009 6:53:54 PM
#19 "No its about how Mac users prefer to spend more money on music "

Fixed it for ya.

#23 By 1896 ( at 5/12/2009 9:01:04 PM
#20: you are lucky; my Zune does not play in my BMW, my iPhone does.
As for the subject of the debate I do not like subscriptions so, at least for me, it is a no issue.

#24 By 1896 ( at 5/12/2009 9:05:40 PM
#21: Complicated matter: your rights are determined by where you bought your media, your citizenship etc.
I never buy any media here in the US; a seat in Capitol Hill is very expensive and only the ones willing to please their sponsors most get one.
For example in Europe I am allowed to make a back-up copy of my DVDs; with a small child this is a must.

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 8:18:46 AM

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