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20:22 EST/01:22 GMT | News Source:
Washington Post |
Posted By: Andre Da Costa |
You might call it the Obama-Duncan-Gates-Rhee philosophy of education reform. Bill Gates, the Microsoft founder turned full-time philanthropist, visited The Post last week to talk, among other things, about how to improve schools for the nation's poorest children.
#1 By
15406 (
3/29/2009 9:12:03 PM
Chop the cost of Microsoft licenses for the software they use, thereby freeing up money for more teachers and other school improvements?
#2 By
92283 (
3/29/2009 9:38:17 PM
Our district pays under 30,000 a year for up to date OS licenses on 3,000 PC's. That includes upgrade rights.
We pay a similar amount for Office (and that includes home use rights for employees).
Microsoft software in schools is CHEAP.
If Microsoft gave it away it would free up enough money for 1 teacher. Almost.
#3 By
23275 (
3/29/2009 10:08:52 PM
Forget it NotParker, in Latch land, MS is supposed to pay it to the government who will pay out to big labor, who will pay it back to them - wash, rinse and repeat. All while they raise holy hell with Bush who wanted both teachers and students tested... you know.. to meet standards.
But presidents like that are evil - as evil as companies that all but give away their wares.
#4 By
1896 (
3/30/2009 1:24:39 AM
#3 You need a high IQ in order to be evil.
I found the guy dramatically inadequate, much worse.
#5 By
15406 (
3/30/2009 8:44:07 AM
#2: And how much for server licensing? And how much for Office licensing? And ho much for support? And how much for anti-virus licensing? And how much to clean up the infections when the AV solution fails? It goes on & on. Multiply that by all the school districts in the US and you're talking a LOT of money.
#3: Is that what it's like in Latch land? Nothing you said bears any resemblance to what I said, but go figure. MS could be punted right out of there and nobody would miss it. There is nothing that a school does that couldn't be done by OSS for much, MUCH cheaper than MS would agree to. And what does Bush have to do with this again? GO OBAMA!!
#4: Bush was either a useful idiot being controlled from the sidelines, or a crafty but misguided person pretending to be a useful idiot being controlled from the sidelines. I'm not sure which is worse.
#6 By
3746 (
3/30/2009 9:26:02 AM
And how much to switch all the systems to Linux? And how much to pay redhat for support for the servers? And how much for Linux admin to run it all?
There are always going to be costs to running all software and hardware. If there was a 50 percent cost savings to switch to linux everyone would have done it. The reality is that it is usually more cost effective to pay MS for the licenses then to switch especially when you get educational discounts on them.
#7 By
15406 (
3/30/2009 9:48:27 AM
#6: Any network is going to always have support costs and admin costs. The cost to switch would be a one-time thing, just like it was when everyone switched from Macs to PCs. However, it will always be cheaper to not pay MS than to pay MS -- no matter how deep the discount.
As for why everyone isn't switching, there is much more to it than cost, unfortunately. Political considerations are sometimes large enough to overshadow any technical issues. Microsoft is very entrenched and working to stay that way. There is inertia involved. The short-term pain might be huge, but as with any addiction, the short-term pain paves the way for long-term gain.
#8 By
92283 (
3/30/2009 11:13:17 AM
#5 Server licenses are quite cheap. And the OS license includes server Core CAL's for server, Exchange etc.
I already told you how much office costs. As for support, we spend about 2,000 a year on Microsoft support call.s Most of what we need to know is of course free on Microsofts site.
"Multiply that by all the school districts in the US and you're talking a LOT of money."
Not really. I think it amounts to less than .1% of the budget.
I think you Bush haters are still pissed he removed Sadaam from power and made him stop paying bounties on dead jews.
#9 By
92283 (
3/30/2009 11:15:54 AM
#7 The short term pain is training costs that are probably 100x the cost of Microsoft software.
All to bring you back to a point of productivity less than we are now since most people get some Microsoft training elsewhere.
Sure, morons like you and Obama would spend a billions to convert people to Linux but it wouldn't make things any better. It would be worse. You would do it out of HATE for Microsoft.
This post was edited by NotParkerToo on Monday, March 30, 2009 at 13:00.
#10 By
9589 (
3/30/2009 12:23:04 PM
Gee, Gates spent $4B to find out that no matter what he; bambi, the first stupid liberal; or that jackass he hired to be the Sec of Ed, does government schools are run by and for the unions. Our K-12 government run and union operated schools are an utter disaster.
Want your health care as piss poor as K-12 education - stick with the first stupid liberal. He'll get you there. And, his lying butt will tell you that he can do it all while 95% of Americans pay not one dime more in taxes.
Wow! Talk about a gullible electorate . . .
#11 By
92283 (
3/30/2009 1:00:28 PM
"The regulations are so onerous that principals rarely even try to fire a teacher. Most just put the bad ones in pretend-work jobs, or sucker another school into taking them. (They call that the "dance of the lemons.") The city payrolls include hundreds of teachers who have been deemed incompetent, violent, or guilty of sexual misconduct. Since the schools are afraid to let them teach, they put them in so-called "rubber rooms" instead. There they read magazines, play cards, and chat, at a cost to New York taxpayers of $20 million a year. "
That squandered money would buy 20,000 brand new computers a year with Microsoft software and servers and networking gear.
This post was edited by NotParkerToo on Monday, March 30, 2009 at 13:09.