#6, Yes, but as know, private equity investors are going to be needed, and Chairman Maobama isn't doing enough to attract them - dusting off the last treasury secretary's plan isn't enough. President Reagan lowered key taxes, which encouraged investment. Finally, President Reagan's defense spending so challenged the former Soviet Union, that they collapsed. The "Finlandization" of central Europe never took place - quite the reverse, actually and the rest is, as they say, history.
The populist thinking is that with enough spending (WWII levels, or higher), that Herr Obama can help end the recession. He can't, because his goals are not the preservation of free market capitalism, but rather shifting permanently, the US economy and body politic way to the left. Like it or no and for good and or bad, the American people will not stand for that. Frankly, the administration needs to stay out of it and allow any company that is not performing, to fail and move through the process. Populist movements are very dangerous and they always end in war and death. I hope, but doubt it will this time, be avoided.