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08:02 EST/13:02 GMT | News Source:
Bink.nu |
Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum |
When Microsoft finally releases its follow-up to Windows Vista and it's time for the business and technology journalists (yes, bloggers are included in that grouping) across the world to decide if Windows 7 is the kind of operating system most people should want to use, Microsoft will be facing a deluge of biased individuals that, aware of that bias or not, won't give Windows 7 a fair shake.
Maybe it's wrong for a journalist to call out colleagues and fill you in on a dirty little secret that occurs across all sectors of this business, but, to be quite honest, I don't think I'm saying anything that should come as a surprise to anyone who follows the news. Regardless of whether you believe in the greatness of Steve Jobs or you choose to use only Velocity Micro machines out of your hatred for Apple, one thing remains: the vast majority of journalists use Macs to write their stories and have a deep-seated love for Apple products.
#1 By
143 (
11/16/2008 9:06:17 AM
Blame the Referees before the game starts.
#2 By
82766 (
11/16/2008 8:47:32 PM
Except in this game; basically all the referees are being sponsored by Apple in some way. Even when I was reading the article, what did I see? Apple advertising. I haven't see Microsoft advertising on a "tech blog" for quite some time!
#3 By
12071 (
11/16/2008 9:53:49 PM
Is that it yet? Have the Microsoft apologists finished blaming everyone else for Vista?
Seriously, if this tripe was written about Linux or Apple, the Microsoft apologists would be coming out of the woodwork to have a whine and laugh the article off.
Why does it matter what was used to write the article? Are we going to see another blog if a journalist uses OpenOffice (god forbid) instead of MS Office? Does it matter if it was written in Notepad? Aside from the obvious Microsoft apologists wouldn't you rather that the reviewer/journalist be open to the world beyond what they are reviewing - in this case to the world beyond Microsoft and Windows? Otherwise you just end up with a blog like the one Lloyd has - blindly praising everything that is Microsoft - and don't worry you can rest assured that it was thought about, written, edited and maintained all on Windows! And that's great, there's plenty of blogs on both sides of the fence written by people with blinkers on to the rest of the world around them foolishly believing that they're right.
The journalists that used a Mac to write their review of Vista didn't mark it down due to their "deep-seated love for Apple products", they did it because when it came out, Vista was a heap of cr*p. One that has been polished slightly since but unless you have a new pc it's still fairly much the same heap it was back then.
#4 By
23275 (
11/16/2008 11:13:48 PM
Do any of us seriously think for one second that an outright hit job was not executed against Vista?
Or is it that our industry's journalists are that GD dumb; that they really have no clue at all; that they have zero understanding about how fundamentally Vista departed from previous versions of Windows?
At least relfect some tiny bit of understanding about what really went down. There is so much BS being reported these days by so many people who are either incompetent, or clearly in the tank for MS's competitors.
It's perfectly fine to report facts and the facts are that Vista had an enormous hill to climb - dragging a lazy industry out of some very bad habits regarding security. The same asshats will try and paint any new version of Windows with the same brush.
At least have some small measure of respect and stop pretending to be objective. There is no objectivity any longer. We see this same BS in so many areas - tech, politics, junk science, economics... Latte sipping wussies have lost their minds and surrendered their private parts to God knows what. Thank God I'm so old I won't see much more of this bunk.
#5 By
28801 (
11/17/2008 5:37:54 AM
#3: "The journalists that used a Mac to write their review of Vista didn't mark it down due to their "deep-seated love for Apple products", they did it because when it came out, Vista was a heap of cr*p."
I'm glad that you are so dialed into the world of journalism that you've had a chance to talk to each and every "journalist" to examine their motivations. We should feel privileged that a watch dog such as yourself is around to keep things on the up and up lest we believe that journalist's views can be colored or influenced by anything other than facts (Fox news anyone???).
Seriously,, this is the same crap that you, Latch, Sentinel and the rest of the loser trolls trot out everyday on this site. "Oh you MS losers - your views are tainted by MS products because you make your living off of them."
Guess what kubuki - every view is tainted is some way and for you to roll this BS that these journalists are beyond reproach borders on the absurd.
#6 By
12071 (
11/17/2008 6:31:45 AM
#4 "Do any of us seriously think for one second that an outright hit job was not executed against Vista?"
Yes, those of us not wearing Microsoft tinfoil hats do not believe in the conspiracy to kill Vista.
#5 Did I say that journalists doesn't have bias? Did you even read what I wrote? I'm more than happy to admit that there are plenty of journalists with bias on both sides of the fence - and you should take both their opinions equally. What I was saying is that it's complete and utter bullshit that to have a fair review the journalist has to use a Windows pc! So what if they use a mac? heck... they can use an amiga for all I care - it doesn't necessarily mean their bias is anti microsoft and that they are incapable of producing a fair and balanced review.
The truth is that Vista really did not perform very well for a lot of people that installed it on older machines (e.g. P4 - 3GHz and thereabouts) - if it worked for you then that's fantastic, but that's not to say that other people didn't have problems. There were many people that never had issues with Windows Me too... yet at the same time there were plenty who did. I'm one of those people - feel free to search old threads on Vista where I produced very detailed info regarding my pc specs, the rating Vista gave my pc and the actual timings on things like copying files from one HDD to another or how long it took for explorer to finish dragging that slow ass green progress bar for folders that had more than a handful of media files. Obviously some of those "lying" journalists had exactly the same issues. Add to that the poor state of drivers and unless you happen to be drinking the koolaid (keep drinking btw!) it's not hard to see that there was more to it than a "conspiracy to kill off Vista" as Lloyd would have you believe.
#7 By
23275 (
11/17/2008 7:43:15 AM
yeah... we're just shills... forgot... sorry.
How about this perspective: we can read. we planned. we tested. we certified our builds. we delivered solid machines running Vista. we supported them. While the ecosystem was less mature, we were more selective and stayed within lines of components known to work with Vista. It was easier with Vista than at any other time previously.
If that is wearing a tin foil hat, then kindly pass the Reynolds wrap.
What an ass. we demonstrate competence and do our jobs and get branded for it.
Check the top of your head for a slit. I am sure you'll find one with a bit of urine seeping from it. These idiots obviously can't run, build, or sustain computers any better than they can fornicate.
#8 By
160876 (
11/17/2008 8:01:20 AM
Gentlemen! A little less aggression, please. There are valid points on both sides, but they're getting buried under all the abuse.
For shame, Mr. Ketchum. I look up to you. Your logic is more than enough; the invective is unnecessary.
Let's keep it civil, please.
#9 By
23275 (
11/17/2008 8:35:04 AM
#8, While appreciate the intent, I am sick and tired of being branded by people who cannot compute their way out of a wet sack. It's that simple. I have bent and bent and I will bend no more. I do for my customers what works. I create and sustain solutions. I am tired of being called a liar and a shill. I have and can make a Vista computer and network sing. We do it with great regularity. As I have said, if Vista were truly bad, I would say so.
#10 By
1896 (
11/17/2008 11:01:04 AM
Is it so difficult for everybody here to accept the concept that, up to a certain point, everything is subjective?
Was Vista a disaster when it was released? IMO no but it had serious issues.
Did SP1 improved the overall experience? IMO yes, very much indeed.
Now, consciously and unconsciously I have priorities and my opinion is based on my priorities.
Others, with different priorities will come to different assessments about the OS. Does this make me, as well as them of course, liars?
Of course not; nobody here could or should deliberate for everybody. We post about our personal experience, others will read and could found that their ones are more similar to mine or Iketchum or whomever else took the time and the effort to pot about it.
This post was edited by Fritzly on Monday, November 17, 2008 at 11:02.
#11 By
20505 (
11/17/2008 12:01:45 PM
"If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed."
M. Twain
#12 By
23275 (
11/17/2008 12:12:36 PM
I think it is very important to be very clear here.
First, apologies to anyone whom I may have offended by being intentionally sharp.
I do want to again assert that as the owner of a company that builds and sustains technology solutions, which are in large measure, built using Microsoft software and the ecosystem that has evolved around it, that without any great or unreasonable effort, it is now and has always been possible to deliver great computing and networking experiences based upon Windows Vista. Delivering great experiences is easier now, but it has always been easier with Windows Vista than it was with any previous version of Windows. Both Windows and its ecosystem are responsible for that advancement. If it were not so, I would share that and what we did to achieve success for our customers.
It is absolutely, regardless of the validity attending any challenge any other party had with Vista, frustrating to a great many Microsoft partners to be continuously lambasted for operating effectively and in good faith opposite the Windows platform and the market in general. To be labeled a shill repeatedly and openly called a liar for having labored hard and succeeded is simply inappropriate and unacceptable. It isn't that such labeling is insulting; it is that such branding is flat out wrong and terrible form. I have had quite enough of it and I persist in my suggestion that those IT professionals and tech pundits unable to provide themselves with a great computing experience regardless of platform choice, are incompetent and unqualified to share their opinions weighted with any measure of authority. They are serving no one well and their behavior is potentially harmful to all.
#13 By
15406 (
11/17/2008 12:35:25 PM
I'm back, kiddies.
#2: That's a hoot. Now it's Apple behind the world-wide anti-Vista media conspiracy? Is this the same Apple with not a lot of money compared to MS and not a lot of influence compared with MS? But apparently they have the world on a string.
#4: It's perfectly fine to report facts and the facts are that Vista had an enormous hill to climb - dragging a lazy industry out of some very bad habits regarding security.
Stop it; you're killing me! Vista saves the world from bad security. Of course, those same bad practices were either previously endorsed or enforced by Microsoft, but I guess that's beside the point.
#7: Nobody cares how you build your systems. What's relevant here is your unending praise of Vista and all things MS, despite any evidence to the contrary.
#9: I am sick and tired of being branded by people who cannot compute their way out of a wet sack.
What does that even mean? You're obviously the smartest person you know, with comments like that. Are you saying that you should be above criticism because you're so awesome at pushing MS? Or are you saying that users with Vista problems are idiots because they don't know as much as you do? I'm not really sure.
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