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00:03 EST/05:03 GMT | News Source:
Microsoft Watch |
Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum |
Apple kicks off its developer conference tomorrow, among strong iPhone 2.0 rumors. Microsoft should be able to generate this kind of excitement, too.
But Microsoft fails to generate real marketing excitement, and that is something the company has to change—lest Windows 7 and newer services like Live Mesh turn into Vista disasters. Many of the lessons Microsoft should learn from iPhone 2.0 are the same as iPhone 1.0, or iPod. The impending launch of Apple's mobile is context to review what Microsoft must do to right its product marketing wrongs.
#1 By
8556 (
6/9/2008 9:55:22 AM
MS hasn't even argued against the "I'm a Mac. I'm a PC" ad campaign. The silence implies agreement. What makes anyone think that MS is suddenly going to learn how to market a better image when MS's thinks software marketing should be done by their partners?
#2 By
13998 (
6/9/2008 10:03:25 AM
I believe marketing negativity will not work out for Apple in the long run, secondly Iphone did well only in the USA. It was huge flop in Europe.
#3 By
1896 (
6/9/2008 10:12:41 AM
#2: Wait until tomorrow: iPhone 2 will be available in Spain and several other Countries in Europe for a price between €99 and €199 and with 3G.
#4 By
2201 (
6/9/2008 11:01:09 AM
What are you, a clairevoyant #3? The iPhone has a lot more shortcomings than just 3G and price is one of them.
#5 By
1896 (
6/9/2008 11:54:05 AM
Just someone who reads newspapers...
#6 By
143 (
6/9/2008 12:22:58 PM
Apple now claiming they invented developers???
#7 By
2201 (
6/9/2008 4:45:12 PM
Well that was a let-down. 3G, GPS and not much else for $199.
#8 By
23275 (
6/9/2008 5:09:56 PM
the real let down was how Apple's OS X updates barely address what Vista accomplished in terms of parallel processing, NUMA support, VA and all the truly amazing things in Vista.... not to mention the tools MS has evolved.
Talk about pure BS copying... but wait... it's worse... OS X really has no where to go but down, as the OS would require so many deep changes architectually that I just can't imagine that thay can keep up.
It's really sad, as one would have to read a great deal for several days, just to "start" to get an idea of what this means, or doesn't mean for Apple.
iPod and that market are saturated, OS X has no where to go and no clear way to get around itself/Mach, and is just now getting Exchange support.. 3G and GPS (but no turn for turn?). No wonder the stock took a hit - and as soon as learned people begin to advise various houses, it's going to get worse for them.
Similarly, they think that those 10K servers/month MS is adding won't in significant numbers be auto-config Exchange Servers for "all" - not just the rest of us? Who in the world that has arleady had push and through the air sync for years thinks this can't very easily be offered by MS... or that it won't be? Trust me, even n00b analysts are looking at this entire week and shaking their heads.
#9 By
28801 (
6/9/2008 6:43:37 PM
#8: "the real let down was how Apple's OS X updates barely address what Vista accomplished in terms of parallel processing, NUMA support, VA and all the truly amazing things in Vista.... not to mention the tools MS has evolved."
Do you think the average home user gives a rat's ass about NUMA? No, the average user wants a cool computing experience. The average Joe's perception is that Apple machines are a viable, indeed, in some cases, a preferable alternative to the PC.
" the OS would require so many deep changes architectually "
Rather like XP to Vista
#10 By
82766 (
6/9/2008 9:13:22 PM
#9... unfortunately you are correct... "normal people" i.e. 90+% of the worlds computer users don't understand the real (along with worthwhile and required) changes that Vista has. Which is a shame.
I can easily agree with what I suspect Apple's marketing manta is; keep the computer speak as "simple" as possible, only advertise one or two features at a time and lying is fine. Microsoft's marketing people fail badly in this regard!
#11 By
12071 (
6/10/2008 12:26:37 AM
#10 "Microsoft's marketing people fail badly in this regard!"
Absolutely right! Microsoft's "the oww! starts now" campaign was just too complex for "normal people" to understand, flooding them with thousands of features at a time and ensuring that they went into details like certain "oww!" features not being available in the Basic version.
#12 By
23275 (
6/10/2008 3:20:25 AM
#9, No, I don't think they care at all about the underlying technologies. I'm not trying to suggest that end users understand such things, or that MS should market such things. I do want fellow engineers to understand them however. I want them to understand what the challenges are.
It's futile though, isn't it? I mean even people whom it would benefit to know, don't want to be bothered with it. In the meantime, apps won't be written to take advantage of what Vista can do and OS X will continue to be a piece of garbage. Those few shops that do understand such things will continue to make great machines and build great software, but they will be too few for it to matter much any time soon.
I have to ask you though, when you look at OS X, don't you see what is there, and what is not? Can't you see under the nasty UI and observe the giant steaming pile of BS, lies and left over rubbish that it is? ... and we have not even begun to talk about parallelism in GPU's that Vista supports or how incredibly far behind Apple/*nix are... (I say nasty UI, because I know it has no right to be in the same room as Vista's UI in technical terms).
#13 By
15406 (
6/10/2008 8:09:18 AM
#12: Break out the cake & punch at the Vista pity party.
#14 By
28801 (
6/10/2008 8:47:09 AM
#12: "Can't you see under the nasty UI and observe the giant steaming pile of BS, lies and left over rubbish that it is?"
Yes, for the most part, but let me tell you what else I see:
I see more and more people at the Mac display at my local Best Buy. I see the MAC "perceived" as implementing a relatively intuitive user interface. I see a machine that does what the basic home user wants in an elegant way. I see an ad campaign that has successfully trashed Vista.
#15 By
1896 (
6/10/2008 9:25:15 AM
Addin to rxcall comments I also see MS lacking a strategic plan; every move they take seems to be a catch up. The irony is that MS had most of the technologies other companies are marketing and capitalizing on, before them but failed to offer and, or, deliver them in a clear and simple way.
iPhone: how long is going to take to MS to deliver WM7? Why a company of this size cannot stand up against carriers if Apple can do it? MS has always made excellent hardware; why they do not make a MS smartphone is a mistery. I am not 100% positive about it because I do not use Carriers locked phones but I think that is AT&T that strips Windows Live from the phones they offer.
MobileMe: MS had offered Sky Drive, Windows Live services and lately Mesh for a while but the services were/are confusing and disconnected among each other. Furthermore: Live, MSN, Hotmail, the services overlapping mess is ridiculous; is it so diffcult to reorganize all these services plus the above mentioned ones in a single, elegant and clear global one?
This post was edited by Fritzly on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 at 09:26.
#16 By
23275 (
6/10/2008 9:48:31 AM
all of that is on the surface and all the points being made are valid to at least some degree.
When I look at any of these, I see something very different. I see structure and design and intent.
Ya'll remember when BETA 2 of Vista hit and I went essentially nuts? I spoke about how and what would be missed.
I know most people, even those that respect MS's work the most, can't see how well positioned they are or how cohesive what they are doing is. Shoot, I can even see the point of concession they offered Apple for licensing activesync... Apple got them to allow it in for Apple's mail app for snow leopard. (small point and I should not digress) no tasks though, or notes... so that is a non-starter. Funny... Apple really didn't need them...as though people using an iPhone and or Mac don't have tasks to manage to begin with...?
VA? Anybody? Anyone at all? Nope... okay, I know... seems to be dry stuff compared to new phones and new names. I guess it is. We spoke a lot yesterday about why MS had not done any marketing opposite consumers. ??? They can't and they don't have to. Everything they built was for engineers and developers and they counted on us to speak for all of us. Problem is, we suck at it as much as they do. When I look at OS X I say half-assed. My engineers tell me I am being much too generous.
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